🦋 Chapter 6🖤

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Song: Hurt so good.
Artist(s): Astrid S.


(Assar's POV)

I sit there helplessly on the floor, I glanced at the clock and it shows 4:49am. I looked over at the bed and see a naked Arman sleeping with a duvet covering his lower body.

My visions were blurry, my face was soaked in tears, I'm very sure I wasn't crying but the tears kept pouring. Pouring profusely, pouring out of control. I couldn't stop it, I couldn't blinked either.

My eyes were stuck open with tears pouring out of it, in my mind the image of last night.

Arman, that monster, what he did to me, what I never imagined could ever happen to me in my whole life. My hands across my chest trying to protect myself from what had already been done.

I was weak, I was too weak, I let him take advantage of me, I tried to stop him but I failed. I failed to protect myself. I called for help and even asked Allah to help me but no one came. Nobody helped me.

I was raped by a man called my husband. I thought at least Halima would show up to stop him but she didn't come, everywhere was quiet, the only thing I could hear was my voice screaming.

I felt all sort of pain, pain of loosing my chasity to this beast, the pain of being forced to keep myself in order, the pain in my chest as I struggled to breath and process everything.

"Why" I said to myself

"Why?" I asked myself

"Why?" I kept repeating over and over again.

Why?, Why was this happening to me.
What have I done?, What sin did I commit?, Why does every encounter with dangerous men have to be with me? Oh Allah what did I do to deserve this?

"Why?" I kept repeating, over and over again till the figure on the bed moved.

"Why?" I kept repeating,

(Author's POV)

Arman was sleeping peacefully on the bed as the voice of a certain someone woke him up.

"Why?" He heard the silent voice, a voice filled with tears

He slowly opened his eyes and was facing the wall.

"Why?" He heard again trying to find the source of the voice, he turns the other way to meet a traumatized Assar who had her hands across her chest and fear all over her face.

"Why?" She says again as he stared at her bored, annoyed, fustrated that her voice woke him up.

Who the hell did she think she was to have woken him up especially after he had a difficult night.

"Why?" She said again which completely pissed him off as he stood up and grabbed her harshly pushing her to the other side of the room making her fall drastically to the floor.

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