🦋Chapter 16🖤

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Song: Cardigan.
Artist(s): Taylor Swift.


(Author's POV)

"Yes Kabir the flight takes off in two hours, I'll inform you 30 mins to our arrival so you can pick me up immediately" the handsome man said packing the rest of his clothes stacking it in his luggage before closing it up.

"Alright then, you take care" he said before ending the call.

Walking to the huge glass wall in his hotel room, Umar enjoys the last view of the beautiful city after his 3 month stay. Sunset approaches and it's time for him to depart to the airport, looking at the view one more time he sighs before taking his luggage out of the room, handling the key back to the receptionist and take his long drive to the international airport.

Few hours later his flight lands in Nigeria, Nnamdi Azikiwe airport Abuja. The passengers all seated in the arrival center as Umar glanced at his clock for the 12th time already upset.

Getting up to just leave on his Umar he finally spots his brother in the midst of the crowd who was using his eyes to search for him.

"Hey bro I'm really sorry" Kabir said as he approached Umar who was quite angry

"Bro I personally called you 30 mins before the flight landed"

"I'm sorry something came up, and how did you get any network on air?" Kabir said

"Is whatever more important than me?" Umar asked

"Bro come on, it's my girlfriend she was angry I missed our date yesterday" Kabir explained

"Wow, the audacity for your excuse to even be about a woman" Umar said glaring at his brother.

"Bro come on I'm sorry, I want to marry her so I can't afford to loose her" Kabir explained

"Bro if she's meant for you then things will work out no need go stress yourself explaining shits to her is she a child that don't know men are usually busy" Umar said as they walked outside the airport

"Bro don't say it like that, if you don't work things out with people you love you might loose them" Kabir said in defense

"Who cares about loosing them, as long as they're not money they can leave whenever they want, ain't no stopping anybody" Umar said as they finally got to the car

"Bro, not everything is money some people are more valuable than money" Kabir said keeping Umar's luggage in the trunk of car as Umar gave him a 'what did you just say look'

"Come again" Umar said trying to process what Kabir said as he closed the trunk and came into the car along with Umar.

"Money isn't everything bro, they're some things money can't buy and that include good people and a good partner" Kabir said as Umar bursted out laughing

"Seems like you need to get into a contract marriage and find yourself a submissive partner before saying money can't buy a good partner" Umar said

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