🦋Chapter 43🖤

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Song: Love Story.
Artist(s): Indila.


(Maryam's POV)

So he had someone he was in love with all this while, so why the hell did he marry me, and why did he keep flirting with me that way.

It didn't take him less than a week to show his true colors and I guess this is how men are.

I feel so angry and upset and that woman mentioned she'd be here by Friday, tomorrow's Friday, how the hell I'm I going to deal with the situation if she ask who I was.

I know one thing, that is if she respects me I'll do the same and if she tries to disrespect me or cause me any trouble then she won't like my actions and I'm certainly not going to tolerate it whether she's pregnant or not.

Judging by how everything played out, I'm guessing that's his first child, men loved their first born more than anything I'm guessing his would be the same, and that Alayna she was going to get all his attention, good for him then as long as he never tries to come close to me.

Thinking about it, I just remembered he said she was the woman that destroyed him, what did he mean by that and we don't even have a good relationship so any way of ever finding out what that meant at this point is literally impossible.

Still sitting in the dinning room with my untouched food in front of me, I take a deep breath getting up to leave, I looked at where he sat and his food was still intant, he didn't eat much, I hissed walking out and went to stay in the living room.

I don't know if I should call my mum and tell her about everything going on, but she really likes Aliyu and the polite way he acted when we went to visit her would she ever believe what I'll say to her.

It's funny how people look good in the eyes of the world and then they become something else behind closed doors.

I can't stand Aliyu, I hate him so much now, anyone may think I'm the one hurting him and I'm the reason for his behavior but I'll defend myself a million times cause I'm not the reason.

Arriving in the living room, I turned on the TV, I want to watch something to cheer me up, I don't have time to think about Aliyu, I shouldn't waste my time on wasted people like that, he did what he wanted and it's best I don't overthink about it if not I'm only going to end up hating him more.

(Aliyu's POV)

The doctor finally bids his goodbye as I watch him leave, I looked at the new prescription of medication I was given and my mind kept wandering back to Maryam.

After this I still don't know if it was a good idea leaving her all by herself without at least telling her I won't be coming back for a month.

Anyways come to think of it maybe she'll be at least nice if we at least give each other space for a month.

Maybe her bad behavior would calm and she'd a better person or at least polite.

I take a deep breath before taking the medications up to my room, I unlocked the door letting a sigh looking around the all white bedroom, everything is just how I left it, perfect.

I arranged the medications in a drawer I normally used, after that I got back to the living room and asked for a proper breakfast, Maryam ruined the first one, she can't ruin this thank goodness.

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