🦋Chapter 48🖤

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Song: Under the influence.
Artist(s): Chris Brown.


(Author's POV)

"Yes mum why didn't you tell me he remarried how's our plan going to work now" Alayna complained with her phone pressed on her ears.

"I also had no idea he remarried I'm just hearing it from you now" her mother replied.

"Mum help me think of something I can't give up on him like this" Alayna complained.

"Okay first be calm you can't stress yourself you know your pregnant" her mother responded.

"Mum he doesn't even believe the child is his" she said sadly.

"Who's child is it Alayna?" Her mother asked.

"Mum it's his, I can bet my life on it, his the father of this child" she responded.

"You can bet your life?, Why are you speaking like you've had other men child before" her mother asked suspiciously.

"How can you say that, you know I've not, Aliyu is the only man to ever touch me" she said convincingly.

"I've heard, just be calm, being rude to his wife won't make him like you, you know you both are divorced all you can do is to be patient with him, he still loves you, his just angry and besides you're carrying his child, he won't want to abadon his child, maybe if you're nice and responsible he might marry you after the baby is born" her mother said as she sighed fustratedly, all this would have been possible if Aliyu wasn't aware of her extra marital affairs.

"Mum, you know what, I need some air now, I'll call you later" she said.

"Just take care of yourself and don't cause any problem with him and his wife" her mother advised.

"Okay I've heard, thank you" she said hanging up immediately.

Frustrated, sighing she buries her face on her bed thinking of what to do, she obviously can't handle this on her won especially with the nature of Maryam.

She thought Maryam would be a calm and gentle woman who was easy to control but then finding out she doesn't take shit, and Aliyu whose busy worshipping her listening to whatever she says.

"That's right Hameeda" she said as she quickly dialed her friend's number.

"Please pick up, please pick" she kept saying till finally the call was answered.

"Assalamualaikum" the caller said.

"Walaikum Salam kawata(my friend)" Alayna said in a joyous tone.

"Alayna, are you the one calling me today" the caller responded.

"Yes fah, how have you been?" she asked .

"You that forgot me when you went to Dubai now you're calling asking where I've been, I've been where you left me" Hameeda responded quite upset.

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