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6 years later

Taylor- age 18 / Kit- age 21 / Jenson - age 15

"Enough." Growls Kit through our mind link, as I snarl before releasing the wolf I've got in a headlock and letting his body drop to the floor as the crowd around me cheers.

The wolf that I was battling drops to the ground like a stone, passed out cold as I roll my eyes at how weak he is before I walk out of the battle rings spitting some blood out of my mouth on the floor. Grabbing my shirt that's hung on a peg, I throw it loosely over my heavily tattooed torso and arms before striding out of the arena. Ignoring the cheering crowds, I head to the wash room at the tournament south corner, walking right past my brother, the Alpha, who has his arms crossed over looking pissed at me.

"Stop." He barks at me as he follows me into the bathroom.

Slowly turning around, I huff before coming face to with Kit who looks ready to punch me.

"My orders were clear, no more tournaments. No more showboating your skills, Tay." Kit growls.

"I outclass every fucker out there. Jenson can do any tournament he fucking wants but not me. Is that right, huh? I just get to sit behind a desk all day and do paperwork. Hiding."

"You know why. This isn't a fucking game; you could kill someone. Jenson knows when to stop. You don't or can't." Growls Kit with frustration before he shakes his head then looks back at me. "Listen, I get it. For years you couldn't do this stuff and now there are very few wolves that could bring you down. But it's- too-risky."

"My wolf's under better control, I can keep him..."

"Bullshit!" Roars my brother, getting right into my face as my wolf starts to get angsty, especially when he grabs my face by his two large hands and looks at my eyes up close. "Your wolfs out. If I can see him, so will others."

I yank my face away and look to a nearby mirror and see my eyes are completely black as I frown then look away with frustration. Grabbing my sunglasses from my upper chest pocket, I throw them on then sigh before I slump down on a bench and lean my head back against the wall.

"Is this what my life is going to be? Never meeting my potential." I mutter. "Never being myself. Never been accepted."

I feel Kit come and sit down next to me and we're both silent for a moment.

"You're an exceptional Beta, our pack is stronger than it's ever been thanks to deals you've negotiated here and in Europe. That means something right? You've achieved so much." Kit tries to reason but I just huff.

"What's this really about." Kit says to me calmly, but I remain where I am leaning my head back against the wall, refusing to look at him.

"I'll never have a mate, will I?" I say quietly.

My brother leans forward and runs both his hands through his hair before looking back at me. "So, you heard about Ella, what did you expect man. She was never going to change her mind about you... not after what happened."

Even after all these years, I guess there was still a little part of me that hoped she'd find a way to love me again.

"I'm glad she's happy. I want her to be happy." I say quietly, but it's like a spear in my gut to think about her mated to another.

I don't blame her for hating me, how could I? I'm a demon and she's an angel. She deserves better. I left her deformed, scaring up half her face and parts of her torso after my first shift. She didn't leave the healer units for nearly four months after that. Of course, at the time, my parents hushed up the whole thing and moved her and her family to another pack by the time Kit rescued me from the basement.

She refused to ever see me again and it broke my heart to stay away from her.

"You're not the only one struggling. To find someone your wolf pulls to... it's special..." Kit sighs.

I scoff before rolling my eyes. "Yeah, must be real fucking hard for you to find someone."

"No one's genuine. All those girls that keep buzzing around me at parties and balls. They don't give a shit about me. They just see the pack, the money, the Luna rank." Growls Kit bitterly. "I want loyalty, a connection. Something that's real. "

I side glance at my big brother as he looks to the floor looking disheartened and sigh. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I always give you shit. You're a good brother and you'll be a good mate. She's out there for you." I say quietly.

We both say nothing once more. I know my brother wants to give me words of comfort back, that I'll find my soul mate too one day. But we both know it's bullshit, the good thing about my relationship with Kit is that we won't lie to each other.

We both know I can't take a mate, my wolf would more likely attack her than protect her.

I'll always be alone. 

My thoughts are broken when Kit's phone goes off and he sighs before pulling it out of his pocket.

"Danny, what's up?"

Danny is one of our Delta's that runs a town south from here. He also over see's security at several of our properties we have across the US by monitoring the CCTV if an alarm is triggered. He's a good guy, I have a lot of time for him. 

"How many of my houses have been broken into?" Snarls Kit as he gets to his feet and starts to pace as I watch on. "Fuck's sake. Pull up the footage and send it over to me. Send the nearest security detail to clear up the mess and work out what's been taken."

My brother curses once more before he hangs up.

"Rogues?" I question.

"Yeah, fucking looks like it. Do me a favour and be across this. I want whatever fucker did this found. No one steals from the Lancaster's. Makes me look weak." Kit growls as I nod in agreement.

"No problem. I'll find who's responsible."


A/N – Although not essential to this story. This is when the 'Rogue from Obsidian City' book's timeline cross over from a different wolf series that I've wrote. 

From the next chapter onwards, we go back to the present day to pick up from after the prologue :)  

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