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"Remind me, why are we here? Toby sighs as our chauffeur driven car pulls up at some swanky hotel in the upper west side.

It's already pitch-black outside, a thin smattering of snow lies across the floor and wisps that look like ash starts falling from the sky. I love winter. The cold temperature suits me perfectly. This weekend me and my head warrior who's sat next to me looking as uncomfortable as fuck in his best suit, were supposed to be snowboarding in the northern mountains. Instead, we're here at some Gala bullshit because my big brother, the fucking alpha, is still nursing a broken heart and shirking his duties whilst being in some far off European city.

"My family are patrons to the art gallery who run the competition. One of us has to show our faces. Kit might be ok abandoning his responsibilities, but I'm not." I say in a bored tone whilst I straighten out my tie as Toby rolls his eyes.

"So, what you really mean is, Taylor told you to come." He smirks.

"Fucking exactly." I growl.

In Christian's absence, my other big brother Taylor, the beta of the pack is currently running things as naturally any second in command would. Only problem is that Taylor is like a fucking hermit and hates to leave the pack leaving me to do these limelight responsibilities. I get it, his wolf's a category three beast and doesn't do well in these types of situations leaving me to be the face of the Lancaster's pack for the cameras. Kit has always been able to work the crowds like a natural and for a time I didn't mind acting as the carefree playboy to fill his spot. But now, it's getting old, and tonight I seriously can't face the paparazzi waiting for us at the front. So, in true form to piss my brother Taylor off, we're nearly two hours late, most of them have already left when I was supposed to be showing my face publicly for this event and giving an interview about how much our pack still gives a fuck about all this.

But hey, I'm here. After all and I'm not some performing fucking monkey so Taylor can suck it, in a months time this event like every other he sends me to will merge and be forgotten about like they always are and i'll have to find new ways to wind my brother up.

"Let's get this shit over with." Toby sighs as I smirk at him before he flings the car's door open, and I get out just after him.

The large fucker at hotels entrance is a security wolf who nods his head in respect to us before holding the doors open as we ignore what paparazzi is still here and stroll on in like we fucking own the place. Toby's the perfect wingman for events like this, he hates them so much it entertains me immensely to watch him being so out of place but can drink and party just as long as I can.

"Gamma Jenson ... oh we weren't... we were expecting your brother, Alpha Christian." A surprised looking hostess stutters as she looks down at her clipboard and bites her lower lip, but I notice her eyes keep flicking back onto me checking me out.

She's hot. Slim, cute, big tits and a peachy small ass. She looks pretty incredible in her black little dress and she fucking knows it. I might take her back to my suite later if I can't do any better.

"Well, he was busy." I smile at her. "So I guess I will have to do." I say in a husky voice leaning down towards her as her cheeks burn up. "Unless you want me to leave, that is?" I say innocently as Toby rolls his eyes, already hating my antics.

"No, stay! Of course, I want you. I mean we want you here." The hostess flusters.

"Thank you..."

"Oh, Heidi. I'm Heidi." The hostess smiles whilst twirling a lock of her dirty blond hair with her finger playfully before she giggles. It, sounds a little annoying but I can get past it.

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