Chapter 2 - Not You Too

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"No way, you're doing that too?"

I turned around sharply and came face to face with Robin, his eyes excitedly scanning the page. It didn't matter how much anger he had he never would show it. Even when belittling me he still looked happy.

He ran a hand through his brown, fluffy hair and reached into my hand to steal the pen away. I let the pen go and quickly took a step back to give my personal bubble back, seeing as Robin had no idea about space.

"Let me guess, you're in need of being tutored because if you don't raise your grades you won't get to play football," I said, folding my arms.

He shot me a grin, "not at all, Alyssa Mcurth, I want to help others, build their confidence in their classes and school."

Great, make me out to be the bad guy, I thought.

Then Robin leaned in, "it also looks good on applications. And as you mentioned before, for the youths."

I raised my eyebrows, not impressed at all by his eavesdropping talents. It took everything in me to not grab that pen and cross my name out but how bad would that look? 

So I got ready to bolt out of the library instead of letting my shoes melt into the ground and my body turn to wax. I couldn't stay near Robin any longer, he was like a disease and I could already feel myself getting light headed.

"Alyssa," the librarian called out, "I could use your help."

I took that as my cue to walk off, over to Miss Lad, at her desk nearby. I put on my smile and push my recent interaction out of my mind.

"What can I do?" I asked.

Lad put a pile of textbooks on the desk, "could you deliver these to the maths staff room? I've been meaning to do it all morning."

I nodded and started to pull the textbooks into my arms, quickly noticing their heaviness that I almost caved against. Miss Lad pressed her lips together in thought and looked around.

"How about your friend, Robin, take some of that weight?" She suggested and I internally groaned.

"Not friends," I said but her voice had been loud enough to catch Robin's attention and he walked over.

"I'd be glad to help," he said and grabbed the whole pile from my arms with ease. I bit the inside of my cheek trying not to say anything offensive with the librarian right there.

"Well, seeing as you, Robin Kempt, don't seem to need my help I'm sure you can complete the journey alone," I clasped my hands together.

"Nonsense," he said and placed a textbook in my hand. One textbook from the twenty he held. I glanced over at Miss Lad, hoping she'd say something but her attention had already waned elsewhere.

I rolled my eyes and turned on my heel, walking out the library doors. Maybe if I walked fast enough I would lose Robin but he was swift, following like a cute puppy.

Not cute, I told myself, lost.

Like a lost puppy.

I walked ahead in silence, all I wanted to do was find a quiet place to study and now I had been roped into doing tasks with Robin. Just like always, I had tried to avoid him and just like always, he found a way to stick around and pester me to death.

Robin was apart of the football team, when he wasn't in class he was either in the cafeteria or on the football field with his friends. He was a social extrovert who had no idea what the word fear was and people admired him for that. I was the complete opposite of that. I was the embodiment of fear itself, it always strangled along inside me and poisoned my blood. I avoided the football field and hung out in the library or literally anywhere else.

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