Chapter 29 - Run Far Away

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"How could you hide your entire relationship from me? I thought we were friends," Mabel scowled.

"I— I know, I shouldn't—" I started but she cut me off.

"And how long have you known for?" She asked Penny.

Penny hung her head in shame, "a few days."

"Amazing, both of my best friends keeping secrets from me. What happened? Seriously? Why were you so scared to tell me about you and Kei?"

I could taste copper in my mouth from how hard I bit the inside of my cheek. All I wanted to do was close my eyes and pretend this wasn't happening.

But it was.

And I had to face it.

"I was worried you were going to get mad, especially because he and Daiki moved into your house and took your bedroom. I thought it would be too much for you," I admitted.

Mabel crossed her arms, "maybe I would've been upset but I wouldn't stop you two from dating. Kei's in charge of his own life, I don't care he's family. What I do care about is how you could kiss Robin and cheat on him."

I felt my cheeks turn red and Penny looked over at me with shock.

"You kissed Robin?" She asked.

"I didn't kiss him! He kissed me, I pulled away!" I cried out, "I promised I wouldn't tell anyone but I had to tell Kei, it was wrong not to."

"What's wrong," Mabel pointed at me, "is that you were even with Robin in the first place. It's not wrong because I'm related to Kei. It's wrong because you cheated, even if it wasn't your intention, you still did it."

"Hold on, May, let's just try and discuss this," Penny insisted.

Mabel wasn't having it though, "no. You both hid secrets from me and now you're defending Alyssa. What lovely friends you are."

With that Mabel stormed back over to Savannah and Tanya. My bottom lip trembled violently.

"You know what you did was wrong," Penny said softly.

I nodded as tears began to well in my eyes. The last thing I needed was for everyone to see me cry, but trying to hold back the tears made them want to burst more.

"I'm... gonna go," I managed to get out before sprinting away.

There was no way I could spend the rest of the day at school and let everyone's stares kill me slowly. I was drowning in my own anxious thoughts and I needed to escape before someone noticed.

Before I knew it, I had walked home but seeing dad's car out the front made me realise I couldn't confront him and tell him what I had done.

I went to go get my bike and realised that it was gone. It was still out the front of Robin's house, left on the front yard because we forgot to put it in his car. So I started to walk. I had somewhat of an idea where I wanted to go and my body had taken control.

Though I knew what I had done was so wrong I couldn't help but feel anger starting to creep through my bones. Why couldn't Mabel and Kei understand that I never wanted to kiss Robin?

And Robin...

How could he just put his lips on mine so effortlessly? Think that I would be completely fine with it?

He had been the one to ruin it all because I had let him.

I arrived at the waterfall and threw down my bag into some bushes. Then I stood up, watching the waterfall.

"GODDAMN IT," I screamed as loud as I could.

My scream echoed and I collapsed to the ground, tears bubbling down my cheeks and kept me from breathing.

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