Chapter 10 - Forgot My Dignity

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"Casual," I murmured to myself while sifting through my clothes, "casual. Casual. Casual."

At least, that's what Savannah had told me. Brendan's parties weren't all that elegant and I'd rather be comfortable than to lose my expensive shoes.

Not that I had expensive shoes.

Casual was only one category of clothes. She had forgotten to mention the sub-categories, was it the sweatpants kind of casual or the wear jewellery with the outfit kind?

I had tried to call Mabel and Penny about it but they only found me more amusing than anything and said I shouldn't be thinking too much about it.

But I'd never been to a party like this before and the last thing I wanted to do was be under or overdressed.

A knock erupted at my door and Leon swung it open.

"Yo, Marcus will be here in an hour," he said.

I looked up in horror, "since when? I'm not even gonna be here."

"Marcus told mum this morning. He has no assignments or exams so he decided to visit for the weekend," Leon shrugged and then shot me a look, "where are you going?"

"To a party."

"Yeah, right," he grinned.

"I am."

His eyes lit up, "you're serious? God, I cannot believe Marcus isn't here to witness this!"

I attempted to punch his arm but he swivelled and I missed, "shut up. Hey, you went to a party once, what did the girls wear?"

Leon thought about it for a moment, "clothes."

"Get out," I crossed my arms.

"No seriously, they were."

"No, like get out of my room."

He grinned and shut the door and I turned back to my wardrobe. I closed my eyes and picked one of my coat hangers.

I pulled out a brown plaid dress. Usually I would wear a shirt or turtleneck underneath but that may look like I was trying too hard. So just the dress it was.

Penny had made sure to tell me that I wasn't allowed to show up on my bike which sucked as it was my only means of transport. Tanya had offered to pick us up but I declined, hoping my parents would just drop me.

So I pulled a black cardigan over my shoulders and bounded downstairs and into the living room where my mum and dad sat, watching TV.

My mum glanced up and then did a double take, "Alyssa? Where are you off to?"

"A... party," I winced.

My dad's eyes shot up with an amused look, "party, you say?"

"Yes," I tried to stand taller, "so I was just wondering if one of you could drive me there."

"Whose party?" Mum asked.

"Will there be alcohol?" Dad raised his eyebrows.

I sighed, "no. It's just a small party. It's one of Savannah's friends."

"Oh okay," mum nodded.

"I don't know who Savannah is but I guess if your mum approves, I'll drive you."

I smiled with relief, "thanks dad. Thanks mum."

I gave the directions to my dad and we drove off down the street. Brendan's home was about a ten minute drive, up towards Chester Lake.

When my dad turned into the street he pulled over almost instantly and I looked over at him, feeling confused why he parked so far away.

He saw my look and laughed, "Marcus always made me drop him off a few houses back because he was embarrassed to be seen with his parents."

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