Chapter 13 - Me Against You

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I could feel the rage following behind me as I marched down to the football oval.

It had been hours of sitting through each period, on my phone, watching the videos of me again and again.

I was a mess. I had no idea how much I drank that night but I was never going to do it again. Not if it was going to lead to consequences like this.

I was Alyssa Mcurth. I made smart decisions that would only further my path in life. I was independent and knowledgeable and...


It felt like I was making mistake after mistake.

And now came my next mistake but I was already on the edge of the football field and there was no holding back.

All the other footballers were packing up or doing cool down exercises. They all cheered when they spotted me but I ignored them and walked towards my target.

My face was hot but the breeze was cold, making my skin sting. My heart pumped blood into my throat and I kept swallowing to keep it down.

There, packing up some cones laid out on the ground was Matt and Robin.

Robin was the first to spot me and shot me a smile.

"Hey, there's our vodka queen—"

I stopped in front of Matt and slapped him in the face.

"How dare you!" I shouted.

Matt put a hand to his cheek and looked at me with disbelief. Robin's jaw dropped but a smile was creeping on his lips.

"Why do you think you can post videos of me for the whole world to see? You didn't even ask!" I scowled, "just because you want to destroy your life doesn't mean you get to bring me down with you."

"Now, come on..." Robin started but stopped when I shot him a look.

I took a deep breath to compose myself, "you need to take it down."

Matt rolled his eyes, "come now, Alicia, no one takes that stuff seriously. You can barely tell it's you."

"Alyssa. My name is Alyssa, you moron."

"Right... Alyssa, I can definitely consider taking it down, but you didn't ask too nicely."

I huffed, "god. Are you kidding me? How can you be so arrogant? I cannot believe someone as special as Mabel could be in love with someone as dim witted as you."

"Okay, Alyssa, maybe, like, chill out," Robin suggested, taking a step in between Matt and I.

"Don't even," I warned him, "I watched the video. I watched you hand me that bottle and encourage me to drink. Right after you told me you don't."

"That's a misunderstanding—"

"You're just a stupid as Matt. All you two think about are yourselves."

Robin didn't say anything and I took a step back, putting distance between us.

"I'm done with tutoring. You can have the girls. You win, Robin, you humiliated me," I said and with that I turned around and walked off the field.

No one cheered.

No one even spoke.

They were too far to know our exact exchange but I knew they got the gist. I was not some little party girl and I was not going to be disrespected by two boys who had no respect for anyone.

I wish I could've forced Robin to quit tutoring instead of myself. To explain why I was quitting seemed so unfair to Mila and Nikki.

But they were definitely better off without me, the girl who kept making stupid mistakes.

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