Chapter 1

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My life. It is very odd, I have no real life span, I could die any minute. I have no real purpose. I guess my purpose is to live, to grow, to learn, have a family then die but it's not the purpose I want or will achieve. I finally got my purpose, one day, as the world crumbled into chaos and anarchy my life light up and sparked my purpose. To kill.

Our world is depleted, we destroyed most of it before I was even born, but I know that for centuries there have been wars, people wanting to conserve, people wanting to destroy and the mediators who are indifferent. Supposedly. During the last generation, long before my birth everything reached a climax and chaos ensued. The 'conservation' group slowly diverged from the good of the world to the death of those who harmed it, they called themselves the 'Alliance' a very unoriginal name but no one questioned them, and at the start no one worried about them. Of course not. "They're only a bunch of happy go lucky idiots" people said, "they care about the world they wouldn't kill anyone" sadly this wasn't true, the group slowly began killing minor people from the government, as people began to recognise the threat, they employed the 'society'. The society was a group of merciless killers who were hired to kill any members of the alliance if they were found and to enforce laws. This is what I came to be and what I destroyed.

Our streets are wrecked, our homes barely existing. I live in a small, almost abandoned, area on the outskirts of the 'city' not many normal people lived in the city; it was reserved for the government figures and members of the society because of this the city was very highly guarded, mainly by members of the society. If you wanted in you needed a special pass and another person from inside to vouch for you or you were recruited by the society from outside, but the alliance still managed to get in and many people died inside the walls of the city which rose high into the sky, only just low enough to give a glimpse of the spires of the chalice, which was the training and living space of society member, it was a strange name, and a strange place but no one from outside or inside questioned it. Because of the high security to get attention the alliance members mainly terrorised areas such as ours and there were hundreds of deaths. Many children were orphans, I was one of them, I don't know what happened to my dad, he was apparently killed and my mother died shortly after I was born, or so I was told Somehow I was given to a small family who were desperate to get rid of me, I worked for them, cooked for them, cleaned and hunted for them. I was never given a name I was just referred to as 'girl', it didn't bother me though. Law in our country requires all children who live outside the city below the age of 5 to live in some shelter, so the family were fine keeping me as their house slave, and I couldn't wait until I reached five, I could leave without the threat of being shot on the street, this was the general protocol for any children who were found breeching this law. The government said it was to end the suffering of homeless children but it really was just that they feared that they would join the alliance and with so many homeless and orphaned children they could not risk such an incident.

My fifth birthday could not come sooner, as I reached the age my 'family' began to fear for the loss of their precious little slave and gradually became nicer, I was no longer hit for moving slowly or speaking, I was given meals with them and allowed a bed. It sickened me, their sickening deceit. I wanted them dead and I was sure that they would be one day, but I needed it sooner. I reached five and left, I had no belongings I didn't need any; I walked out to the streets and saw the bodies tossed to the side of the cracked roads. I walked among the dead, rummaging through pockets emerging with knives and I took jackets and makeshift belts to hold them in.

I remember when I turned 16 in summer; "I have lived over ten years on the streets now" I had thought to myself. It wasn't all too bad, this is where I'd found my purpose, I had survived by offering household help to those lucky enough to have homes in the beginning but as my rage against the world increased with age I began to take matters into my own hands, I had learnt ways to kill any person who looked at me the wrong way, it got me money which got me food and if I was lucky they would have clothes which would fit me. It took me a long time to learn, I had learnt to fight through my years of squalor sitting and could kill someone in a fight as it wasn't that uncommon, but it was only near my sixteenth that I had managed to grasp the art of killing. Efficiently.

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