Chapter 29

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I woke to someone shaking me gently, I opened my eyes and saw a blurry Neco and Dan leaning over me. I groaned and pushed myself up off of my bed of glass cutting my hand even worse than they had been beforehand. I attempted to clear the blurriness in my eyes to be rewarded with a blood smeared face, I pulled myself up to the sink and washed my face and hands before looking back to Neco and Dan who were now back to their normal clarity. Dan stood looking at me curiously but Neco was worried, I could see it in his eyes, worry mixed with fear.

"What do you want?" I asked, unable to bear the silence any longer.

Neco went to speak but Dan interrupted him.

"Well, I've been trying to find you since I called you, you obviously didn't listen to whatever I said did you?"

I shrugged my shoulders in response, I was beyond caring about Dan's orders.

"Well, for the record I said that I need to get you on a mission so I'd take you to a hunt one. You seem to enjoy them and you seem physically able, well after today's show that might be an understatement. And also, I couldn't care less what's going on between the two of you but will you please, for the love of god, make up your minds, it's annoying everyone. Come meet me in the reception with a mission in an hour."

With that he left, leaving me alone with Neco, I leant back onto the sink trying to act casual but sorely failing. Neco approached me, outstretching his hands to me but I just looked away at the contact.

"What happened, both in here and to you?"

I stood, unable to articulate anything. I felt my throat tighten and my eyes sting, and before I could cry Neco had his arms wrapped around me and I found myself crying into his shoulder. When I calmed down from my hysterics I pulled away slightly and he just looked at me expectantly.

"What happened?"

"I... I really don't know. I need to go for my mission, can we talk when I get back, I'm sorry for today." I heard my voice break in several places as I spoke.

He nodded without speaking and I left without another word, I felt drained now and found myself heading towards the white missions. I plucked one from the board and looked at it half-heartedly. It was an execution, I had to shoot someone point-blank and that was it.

I took the mission and went to the reception where I already found Dan, he walked towards me meeting me half way.

"You got your mission?" I waved the paper in front of me, "a white one, really?"

"I'm not up for anything else right now, sorry to disappoint."

He sighed but didn't argue, and we were quickly travelling through the city, I found myself standing in front of the trial house and I looked at Dan confused, he walked forward while explaining.

"All the trials and executions are held here, just go in shoot the guy and come out, they'll give you a gun."

I nodded my head and grabbed my mission sheet. I walked to the front door and was meted by an unfamiliar guard, I showed him my mission brief and he led me through the corridor to the same room where I was interrogated. He let me in and I found myself, once again, encountering the bear.

"Well, well. We just keep seeing each other don't we?"

He rolled his eyes and pointed to a gun that lay on the other side of the room, I walked over to get it and the bear began saying something to the young man sat in the chair next to him.

I returned and pointed the gun at the man ready to pull the trigger but was stopped by the bear as he finished off his little ceremony, I stood tapping my feet bored by the situation. I heard the young man whine and moan, he obviously wasn't keen on dying but oh well. The bear finally finished and I aimed my gun at the man's head, he began begging for his life but before he could finish his first sentence I had sent a bullet through his skull. I felt blood splatter across my face, fun.

I quickly left after replacing the gun in its rightful corner. I got back to the car and we headed back to the chalice where I now had to confront Neco.

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