Chapter 24

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We reached back to the infirmary and Neco sat me back on the bed, Lucy helped move my legs so I was able to sit upright on the bed. She placed my plate of food in front of me and then shooed away Neco, ordering me to sleep once I had finished my food.

She sat beside me as I ate.

"Why weren't you angry at me for not taking responsibility for the deaths I caused?"

She looked up at me, calculating what her response should be. I had noticed that she was very careful with her words.

"Well, you did take responsibility as far as I'm concerned. You killed them, you took away their lives and you weren't remorseful but you didn't try to pretend that it never happened and you never tried to make excuses. That's why I asked you about it earlier. Whether you were remorseful or not wouldn't really make a difference, but if you then tried to make excuses for the murders I would have had a similar reaction as to how I treated Tanya. Tanya tried to pretend like it was your friends fault instead of hers and also refused to visit you because he was here. Also because of her attitude, your friend blamed himself for what happened, but he took responsibility for something that wasn't even his fault. I like him, his name was Neco wasn't it?"

I nodded then sat finishing my meal while contemplating what she had said. I finished my meal and she took the plate from me, she helped me lie on my back before covering me with the thin, rough blankets.

"Sorry if it's not very comfortable." I looked up at her, laughing a little.

"I'm glad they're not, I'm used to living on the streets not soft fluffy beds."

She laughed a little before closing the curtains and leaving me to sleep, which I quickly did now that I was back in a familiar environment.

When I next woke up it was pitch black with the exception of a small light that I could see faintly through the curtains surrounding my bed. I tried to sit myself up before curling up. The pain was still shooting across my body; I waited until the pain had begun to before returning to my original position not daring to try sitting without someone to help me. I looked around trying to find something to pass the time; I saw the outline of something on the drawers beside my bed. I reached out felling around the shape, it was paper. I lifted it off of the table and tilted it so that I could faintly read it;

Hey, since you're most likely going to be stuck in the infirmary for at least the next week I talked to Lucy and she says that if you're up to it I can take you to the canteen for dinner every day, but for breakfast I'll get Mick to make you something. Also, I think we need to talk about what happened. I'll see you tomorrow, bye.


I finished reading and placed it back on the drawers thinking the message over, really thinking it over. I wasn't sure how to address the issue between Neco and me, thinking back on the situation he must have thought I hated him which wasn't true I just panicked. I once again fell asleep, pondering the situation.

I woke up the next morning with Lucy gently nudging my shoulder, I winced as I pushed myself up slightly ignoring the ache searing through my side. I looked up at her squinting slightly to adjust my eyes to the daylight.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" she asked me, looking down at me with her sweet caring smile.

I twisted my body slightly, wincing as the pain jolted across me but it wasn't anything I couldn't bear.

"I'm still a little sore but nothing too bad, I just need to use my muscles more."

I looked at her, hoping for her to consent to my plan and let me leave but as I expected she stood looking at me with an accusatory look on her face.

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