Chapter 4

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I left the house and made my way back to the bar, the sun was long gone by now and my only light was moonlight and a few dying fires. I reached the bar and saw the body of the girl lying on the floor, I side stepped her and poured myself a glass of some strange concoction that was lying on the bar. It burned down my throat and heated up my cheeks, it was very strong and I could feel myself getting drowsy, I lay my head down on the bar after swallowing another gulp of the alcohol and felt my head become clouded as I drifted to sleep. I felt the cool morning mist creeping into the bar from the open door; it was cold but not as cold as it would have been outside. There was a slight throbbing in my head and I had to fight the compulsion to be sick when I stood, whatever that drink had been it was lethal.

I pushed myself from the bar and trudged my way over to the door. Something caught my foot and I felt myself fall towards the ground, too groggy to stop myself I felt my face smack against the floor, a dull ache shot through my face and I pushed myself up groaning at my, now amplified, headache. I sat up rubbing my temples before looking to see what I tripped over, I saw the outstretched hand of the girl from yesterday. Even dead she was still being a nuisance.

I stood up kicking her hand away; I walked through the door breathing in the frozen air and let it clean my system, shocking me into alertness. As I walked through the area I relished the peace and quiet which surrounded me, I passed many dead bodies but paid them no mind, they were just trash now waiting to be collected by the wind and thrown away. I stood peering up at the city wall; I could see the two spires jutting out from above the wall, and felt a sense of boredom swell from within me.

I wonder how long it would take them to notice my actions, surely they would send someone out straight after, and I mean everyone is dead for god's sake. Maybe they wouldn't though, maybe they'd just think, 'oh well who cares'. It's not like they've any action to apprehend me before now. I sat down on the kicking a glass bottle into the dust, what will I do until they get here, I looked around at my scenery which I felt partly responsible for creating; Rubble, bricks, broken bottles, knives, dead bodies and carcasses.

It was quite beautiful really. I mean there were bodies that were so decayed and weather damaged that there was barely any flesh left, the human structure really was admirable. I made up my mind there and then that I would create an art piece out of it, not just the one single carcass, oh no of course not. I would turn this entire area into one.

I pushed myself from my seat and began on my work, I climbed to the top of the bar and observed the area, there were bodies strewn everywhere and if I could criticise myself it was rather distasteful. I made up my plan and carefully dismounted myself from the building. For the rest of the day, I dragged bodies to their desired locations, creating sculptures out of them, occasionally chopping of a limb for aesthetic purposes. I continued with this until I heard my stomach omit a long groan, I dropped the body I was currently working on and looked around on instinct. Usually there would be someone hobbled over a fire cooked some kind of tinned food but I found no one obviously.

I sighed and made my way back to the bar hoping to find some kind of food that had been given to us by the city government, I'm sure they would have left it here since it's the only standing establishment. I walked across the floor, I had since removed that girls body, and rummaged in the back room and came across quite a number of tinned foods. I squinted as I wiped dust off of some of them, attempting to read the use by date but I gave up and simply resigned myself to just eating what ones looked fresher. I opened a can and scrunched up my nose at the foul stench, it must need cooking. I walked back out into the open, not trusting myself to start a fire inside the building; I gathered some timber from the remnants of houses and started my fire with a lighter I had found a while back.

It was an interesting contraption, the man who gave me it said that people in old times used to use them to light sticks of drugs, it was seen as fashionable and those in high society sometimes indulge in such activities. He had admitted to me that he had never seen one of these sticks, or cigarettes as he said they were called, but the lighter was proof of their existence.

I heated up the contents of the tin and forced my mind to agree with my stomach on the questionable quality of the product. I stomached it all the same and was pleasantly surprised by its taste, it wasn't particularly nice but hell it wasn't as bad as it looked.

I continued this process; creating my, now almost prolific by my standards, body sculpture and stomaching the strange foods from behind the bar. About a week had passed while I continued in this pattern, I had created a chair out of bodies, which took a hell of a lot of work. The chair was sat next to a permanent fire I had made outside the bar for my food, I now felt content with my work, I had managed to created what I saw as beautiful sculptured out of the bodies, they towered above me but not so high as to be unreachable or under threat of falling. Now just to wait

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