Chapter 17

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I reached the reception in record time. I went up to a desk with a petit girl sitting behind It.; she wore clean tidy clothes, probably a type one. She looked up at me as I approached and stood to welcome me.

"Hello, can I help you with anything?" her voice was sweet, and quiet. I walked up to the desk.

"Hello, it's about a mission, I can do that here right. I'm new so I'm not sure."

I saw the girl's eyes light up, a type two gleam. She surprised me; I didn't think type two's liked this type of work. She quickly took my hand shaking it roughly, she had a strong grip and I could see the muscles and tendons of her forearm tensing as she shook.

"Are you the new girl that everyone calls the blood assassin? The one who killed all the people outside."

I couldn't help but laugh at the term blood assassin, Dan really did pick a good name.

"Sort of, don't call me the blood assassin it's the literal meaning of my name but my name was picked by Dan so he made it a little eccentric but I am the one responsible for all the killings."

The girl pulled herself back, patting some invisible dirt off of her skirt.

"I see, you truly are amazing, is this your first mission?" I nodded to her, "I'm honoured that I get to do it. Can I see your mission paper?"

I handed her over the blue paper and she typed away at a computer which was hidden by the desk. She handed me the paper back.

"There you go, you have no time limit in which to complete it, and when you do you will earn twenty points. Good luck."

I bid her goodbye and headed to my room, I passed through the arena where I saw Shara and Neco sparring. I stopped to watch.

Although Shara was kind and seemingly harmless she was powerful and Neco didn't stand a chance. They circled each other with Neco occasionally trying to punch her but she was too fast and returned the blow twice as hard. They kept circling each other until Neco lunged forward, jabbing at Shara's stomach, she grabbed him by the stomach and flipped him over, smashing him into the ground. I could hear a groan coming from Neco, Shara knelt by him saying something, I was too far away to hear though; she helped him to his feet. Neco spotted me as he got to his feet and must have said to Shara because she was soon making her way towards me.

I moved away from the railing, meeting Shara as she reached the top of the steps.

"Hey, could I ask you a huge favour; I promised Tanya another fight when I was done with this one, could you take Neco to the infirmary please?"

"Of course, it's no bother." I took over from Shara helping Neco support his weight; he winced as he switched from Shara to me. She waved goodbye to us before launching herself over the railing and running to Tanya who I now spotted by another set of empty mats.

"How do you feel?" I asked, turning to Neco as I helped him hobble down the corridor.

"Terrible, I think I might have broken something."

He winced at every sharp turn we took or if someone bumped into him. We finally reached the infirmary, which thinking back I had never actually came inside.

I was welcomed by a stern looking woman wearing a white coat, she quickly lead us over to a bed where we could lie down Neco.

"I'll be over soon, please just waiting here."

She scurried off, her shoes scuffing against the white floor. I looked back to Neco.

"Are you going to be ok?"

He looked at me, pulling faces which I think were supposed to be imitating death but they were poor attempts, I laughed a little then lay my head down next to Neco.

"Of course I'll be ok; I've got someone as great as you beside me while I'm injured."

Embarrassed and flattered at the same time I playfully hit him on his stomach only to be rewarded by a painful groan.

"Sorry, I forgot. Are you really going to be ok?"

Before Neco could reply the lady in the white coat returned for her inspection of Neco. I stepped outside of the curtain, waiting for her final verdict. She eventually came out, opening the curtain with her. I walked over to her, to find out what she had to say.

"Well, he doesn't have any broken bones but it would be best if he doesn't try to walk for a little, he'll spend the night here, you're free to stay with him for as long as you like."

With that she scurried away, I sat down next to Neco again.

"So, spending the night in the hospital. Could it be for the nurses?"

Neco just shook his head at me, "of course not, why would I want the nurses they're brutal, you on the other hand are a different matter. If you stay I have no problem staying here." He shot me a sly grin before wincing as he tried to move.

I stood up, standing over him. "If you dare think about getting up, I really will break your back."

With that he lay back down, no argument.

"I'll stay though; it's not nice to be hurt and alone."

I sat down next to him once again, resting my head on the bed next to his arm.

"Thank you, I'll be better by tomorrow anyway."

"I'll believe it when I see it, I'm going on a mission tomorrow, and I get to go kill someone again."

Neco lifted his hand, resting it on the back of my head. I turned my head so I could see his face.

"You should go to sleep then, you'll need your sleep."

Without arguing I closed my eyes, his argument was sound. Two night in a row now this has happened, I can't make a habit of it.

I felt myself drifting to sleep.

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