"Igniting the Challenge of Love"-Chapter One

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Charlotte's POV:

"I won't be able to provide you love. I can give you respect and position as my wife, but love... it doesn't exist. There is nothing called love; it can be attraction or fascination, but never love," he said. Hearing him say that ignited a fire in my heart, a fire that would only be extinguished when I make him fall in love.

"Well, Mr. Knight, you see, this conversation of yours has sparked a challenge in me - the challenge of making you fall in love. So, I am ready to get married to you. Let's make our family members happy with this news," I declared. Turning my head, I started walking away from the garden, noticing that he was not following me. I turned around, and there he stood, with an unreadable expression in his eyes. Watching him, I whispered, "Mystery."


"Good morning, good morning, hello to my lovely family," I greeted them in my usual cheerful manner, though secretly hoping for a few extra minutes of sleep. Being a late riser, I always had to rush to avoid being late for work. "Good morning, sweetheart. How about you join our company? You can enjoy your beauty sleep then," my dad, the famous entrepreneur Lucas White, suggested with a playful smile.

I chuckled at his suggestion, "I know that, Dad, but if I do so, my privacy won't be maintained. Every move of mine would be calculated and observed. I'd rather wake up early than compromise on my freedom."

"I understand, my dear. Come on, you need to get going; otherwise, you might be late. And listen, you should come home early today. Grandma's guests are arriving, and rumor has it they're bringing along their handsome grandson. Who knows, you might find your prince charming today," he teased.

"Dad, stop reading into things; you know I'm not looking for that," I replied, blushing slightly at the thought of such an encounter.

"Can't help it, sweetheart," he chuckled in response, knowing me all too well. I gave him an affectionate smile before heading to the garage. I preferred driving a modest car, as keeping my identity as a White hidden was essential for maintaining my privacy.

I drove to work, lost in my daydreams about the evening that lay ahead. As I reached the office, I greeted Mr. Paul, our security guard, and stepped inside the grand building. Approaching the company's front desk, I couldn't ignore the judgmental look from the provocatively dressed receptionist. I playfully raised my hand, showing her a middle finger, silently brushed off her attitude, and continued on my way.

Reaching my desk, I exchanged warm greetings with my colleagues before immersing myself in work. The tasks kept me so engrossed that I ended up skipping lunch and stayed late at the office.

Finally, I glanced at my phone to find a barrage of messages and missed calls from my mother and grandmother. My sweet and helpful brother had texted me, "Get ready for your death, grandma is angry." With a mix of concern and curiosity, I hastily packed my belongings and rushed home, my heart racing with anticipation.

Knocking on the door, I kept glancing at my phone, waiting for it to open. As the door slowly swung open, I looked up to see two mesmerizing pairs of blue eyes staring back at me. In that moment, my breath was taken away, and I couldn't help but be intrigued by the person standing before me. Little did I know that this encounter would mark the beginning of an unforgettable journey.

Author's Note:

Hello, my lovely readers! I know that this chapter was relatively short, but as it's the first one, I wanted to ease you into the story. I hope you enjoyed the plot so far and are intrigued about what happens next. Your support means the world to me, so please don't forget to vote, comment, and follow for more updates. Thank you for joining me on this journey!

 Thank you for joining me on this journey!

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