"Breaking Barriers of the Heart"-Chapter Five

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Asher's Pov:

As I listened to Charlotte's description of love, a warm feeling stirred in my heart. Her words were captivating, and for a moment, I allowed myself to believe that love could be everything she described. But deep down, I knew it wasn't that simple. Love was a complex emotion, and for me, it was intertwined with painful memories and lingering scars.

My past experiences had left me cautious and guarded. The wounds from old relationships had not fully healed, and they resurfaced every time I tried to open a new chapter in my life. They haunted me, casting doubts on the possibility of a genuine and lasting connection.

When I finally mustered the courage to share my reservations with Charlotte about not being able to provide her with love, I expected her to be furious or disappointed. After all, who wouldn't want love in a marriage? But to my surprise, her reaction was different.

Instead of getting angry or upset, her eyes sparkled with determination and a glimmer of hope. Her response to my apprehension was unexpected. She said that my words had sparked a challenge in her - the challenge of making me fall in love with her. At that moment, I couldn't help but admire her tenacity and spirit. She was not the type to back down from a challenge, and I could see that she was ready to face whatever barriers stood in her way.But her chalange stirred some thing within my heart but the barriers were long enough not to break but she still had made a crack in them .


Waking up early in the morning, I headed to the gym to get some exercise before a long and busy day. Today was going to be filled with meetings with our investors, and I needed to be mentally and physically prepared. After finishing my workout, I returned to my room to freshen up before heading downstairs.

 After finishing my workout, I returned to my room to freshen up before heading downstairs

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As I descended the stairs, I was greeted by my family gathered around the breakfast table. My father and I naturally started discussing business matters, but my mother, the beautiful lady of the house, interrupted with a gentle reminder. "Could you both stop? This is family time. If you want to discuss business, do it outside of the breakfast table."

Feeling slightly embarrassed, I apologized, "I'm sorry, Mom. You're right. We'll respect family time."Just then, my grandfather chimed in, "Asher, remember that we're going to our friend's house today."A smile formed on my lips. "Of course, Grandpa. You've been reminding me ever since you found out about the visit. I'm looking forward to it."

As the laughter echoed through the room during breakfast, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of warmth in my heart. My family was everything to me. While I might come across as distant or cold to people outside our close circle, my love and affection for my family knew no bounds.

After a hearty breakfast, I arrived at the office, ready to face the day filled with back-to-back meetings with investors and important clients. My secretary, Sam, efficiently managed my schedule, reminding me of the time to leave for a special family gathering at my grandpa's friend's house. I knew I had to be punctual; otherwise, Grandpa would playfully scold me for being late.

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