"Captivated by the Knight "-Chapter Two

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Charlotte's POV:

He cleared his throat, and my attention snapped back to the present. His appearance was captivating - pale like a vampire, with smooth black hair, a well-defined jawline, and eyes I could easily get lost in.

"Hello, I am Charlotte White," I introduced myself, trying to regain my composure. He nodded in response, and I gestured to give me a moment of silence before I entered my house.

Inside, I found my grandparents seated on the couch, engaged in conversation with an elderly couple. Across from them, a moderately young couple sat - probably his parents. His mother was stunning, with an elegant dress that draped gracefully, making her look like a model. His father had striking blue eyes, similar to his son's, but the mystery mans eyes seemed to hold a brightness and story of their own.

Next to them were my parents, sitting together like a beautiful couple, as they always did. There was also a young boy, likely Dylan's age, with the same black hair but enchanting green eyes. I couldn't help but notice the resemblance between him and the mysterious guy I had just encountered in the garden.

As I stepped into the room, all eyes turned towards me. My grandmother's stern glare hinted that I was in for some trouble later. I braced myself for what was to come, knowing that my actions would probably be the topic of conversation once the guests had left.

I greeted the guests with a polite smile, "Hello, I am Charlotte White." The elderly woman, Katherine Knight, immediately complimented me, expressing how lovely and pretty I looked. She introduced herself and her husband, Lucas Knight, as my grandparents' college friends. I returned the greeting, "Hello, ma'am, it's a pleasure to see you. Grandma did tell me a lot about you."

Katherine quickly corrected me, insisting that I call her grandma and Lucas grandpa, as they considered themselves my second family. "Of course, Grandma," I replied warmly, touched by their affection.

Feeling a bit tired after the day's events, I asked if I could go and change before we sat down for dinner and have a chat afterward. Grandma granted my request, telling me to rest and freshen up.

As I made my way to my room, I playfully smacked Dylan on the head, causing him to laugh. I entered my room and quickly showered, deciding to wear a beautiful dress that my mom had bought for me. Applying some lipstick and mascara, I felt ready to join the gathering.

Heading back downstairs, I was informed that everyone was now in the dining room

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Heading back downstairs, I was informed that everyone was now in the dining room. As I approached, I noticed that there was only one empty chair left - the one in front of him. My heart skipped a beat, realizing that if I sat there, I would be unable to resist gazing into his captivating eyes. Nonetheless, with no other option, I took the seat. My dad couldn't resist teasing me, and I knew he was the one who had arranged this seating.

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