Chapter 27

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Neil was sitting on the dining table and Buaji was eating her breakfast. She saw him and acted with fake concern.

Bua: Ohh Neil, she didn't brought your breakfast yet? Wait I'll tell her.
(Screaming): Avni ayy Avni.

Neil: Ohh hello? What is this?

Avni comes out running when she heard Bua's voice. She came and saw Neil was saying something to Buaji. She went near them.

Avni: What happened Neil? Buaji why did you shout? What happened?

Neil: No wait Avni. What is this Bua? We are respecting you, we are giving you all the respect though you didn't deserve, it means that we should also deserve and get the same respect.

Bua: Neil but when did I disrespect you?

Neil got up.

Neil: You didn't disrespect me but you are disrespecting my wife. My wife's respect is many many times important to me than my own respect.

Avni sensed Neil's anger and kept a hand on his shoulder.

Avni(in low voice): Neil it's okay calm down.

Neil(shout): No it's not Avni. This lady, since she is here she is just disrespecting you, talking shit about you and I am not going to tolerate this.

Bua(standing up): Neil, you are going to talk to me in this tone for this girl.

Neil: Yes, because she is MY WIFE, not someone unknown that you are taunting her. Who are you to bitch about her?

Bua: You can't talk to me in this tone Neil. Didn't your parents taught you manners to speak?

Neil: You are no one to speak about my parents and my wife. Handle your married life Bua. Because of this nature of yours and your this tone your husband left you alone and ran away.

Avni: Neil stop it.

Neil: Avni still you are stopping me for this lady? Seriously? What she has done to you and still you are telling me to stop. How can you Avni?

Avni: Neil now stop.

Bua: Yeah yeah I know this girl here filled your ears with fake stories of how I cause troubles to her. Neil I still tell you don't believe this characterless girl. She.......

Neil(shout): Bua stop it else I will..

Neil suddenly felt a sharp slap on his right cheek and saw Avni who just now slapped him.

Avni: Can you please stop Neil.

Bua: Ayy girl how dare you to slap my Neil.

Avni(scream): Shut up.

Bua: You...

Avni: Shut up (deadly tone)

Neil: Avni seriously..

Avni: Shut up Neil. Shut up you both now. Stopp it now. Neil, she doesn't understand but you should right? She doesn't know how to speak what to say but you know right how to speak to elders.

Neil: Avni but she is insulting you.

Avni: Let her Neil. Is it going to affect us by any way. It's her bad mouth she saying bad and you only told me right that she says this to everyone. So let's her Neil we should not let her affect us. Come on Neil, you said me this thing just yesterday and you forgot?

Bua: I don't want to live here.

Neil: Then you can leave. We don't mind.

Bua gets up and was going upstairs.

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