Chapter 3: Ambushed

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Far from the castle, two men were riding their horses through the thick snowy forest. One was a handsome man, with brown hair, dark eyes, and was dressed in fine looking riding gear. The other had lighter hair, and long side burns and looking more nervous than the other man.

"I certainly don't like the look of these woods, sire. If you don't mind my saying, they seem very sinister." The nervous one said.

"They're trees, Renbock. Trees are just wood." The other man responded calmly.

"It's not the trees I'm afraid of Your Majesty. There are stories of a man-eating beats inhabiting these parts." Renbock informed.

The other man, who was apparently a Prince, rolled his eyes. "It thrills my heart to no end thinking my traveling companion still believes in fairy tales."

"If you don't mind me asking, when does Your Highness think we're going home? We've been on the road for months and I just thought perhaps we could take a break." Renbock insisted.

"We didn't set out seeking a vacation. We set out seeking an adventure. And we're going to find one." The Prince stubbornly declared.

Just as he said that, rustling could be heard not very far away from them. The two men looked through the trees and saw blurs of something black slinking through them.

The two men came to a small clearing in the trees, and the Prince hopped off his horse.

"I really don't think this is a good idea, sire. We should ride on." Renbock urged.

"Not until we find out what's in these woods." The Prince said, pulling his sword out.

He didn't have to wait very long to find out when seven tall figures dressed in black came running out of the trees, surrounding the two.

"Giants! Giants, Renbock, help!" The Prince called, pointing his sword.

"Giants!" Renbock screamed, turning on his horse and running away.

"After him!" One giant yelled, and two of them went after Renbock.

"You there! Empty your pockets!" One giant demanded.


"He said empty your pockets."

The Prince began to fight off as many bandits as he could, as they jumped and dodged around him. They seemed very spry with their unnaturally long legs.

One giant flipped over the prince and grabbed his sword while another kicked him to the ground.

Two other giants came back, dragging Renbock behind them, and throwing him next to the Prince.

"Do you concede?" One of the giants asked.

In response, the Prince kicked the giants legs, knocking him to the ground, and knocking his legs off. Turned out, the giants weren't really giants. They were dwarves wearing long stilts that looked like the middles of accordions.

When the Prince discovered this, he burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" One of them asked.

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