Chapter 15: Happily Ever After

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When the magic surrounding the beast faded, the beast was no longer standing there, but a man in a long red robe and a crown.

The man looked around, confused as to where he was.

"Who's the guy in the crown?" Napoleon whispered.

"Father?" Winter asked in surprise.

The man looked down at Winter and furrowed his brows. "Winter?"

"You're alive!" Winter stood up and embraced his father. "I can't believe you're alive!"

The King hugged Winter back, but still looked very confused. "I don't understand. You're all grown up."

"You've been under the Queen's spell."

"You were just a child."

"I know. It's a long story."

The King looked behind Winter at the seven dwarves, Prince Alcott, and (Y/n).

"Who are these people?"

"A Prince who risked his life for our kingdom..."

Prince Alcott bowed to the King.

"...and his most valiant soldiers."

The seven dwarves all stood tall and grunted in response.

"And, (Y/n). She's...she's my lady." Winter said.

(Y/n) did a quick little curtsy. "Your Majesty."

The King addresses them all. "For your bravery, we shall be forever in your debt. Tell me, how can I repay you?"


"A feast."


"A girlfriend."

"To be allies with your kingdom."

The King nodded and looked to (Y/n). "And you?"

(Y/n) hung her head sheepishly. "Um, there's really only one thing I would want...if a certain Prince doesn't mind..."

She glanced at Winter, who smiled brightly back at her.


"Of all the privileges afforded a King...there is none greater than the join two people together in matrimony."

(Y/n) and Winter stood at the end of the aisle in the palace, with the King standing in front of them.

Winter wore a dark blue suit with red detailing, and (Y/n) wore a beautiful white wedding dress with a shiny tiara sitting on her head.

Prince Alcott and the seven dwarves stood off to the side, watching as the King turned to Winter.

"Winter, my son. This kingdom was fortunate, for in my absence, you never stopped believing in yourself, and grew into the man I knew you would always become. And you managed to find a strong, beautiful woman to love and stick by you, always."

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