Chapter 14: Defeating the Beast

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"Could you imagine the Prince being married to the Queen his entire life?" Grimm laughed.

The dwarves, Winter, (Y/n) and Prince Alcott were all sitting around a table inside the hut. Prince Alcott was no longer tied up since he had been brought up to speed about everything that had happened, and (Y/n) was out of her ridiculous maid of honor dress and was back in her regular clothes.

"Hey, I only married her to try and get information from her." Prince Alcott defended. "But still, thank you for figuring it out before I actually married her...I think also when we met I...may have called you children, as well as other cruel names. I was wrong. I apologize."

"That's okay. You're not the twit we thought you were either." Butcher reassured.

Everyone chuckled at that statement, but their happiness was interrupted by sudden rumbling outside the hut.

A distant roar was heard above them, and everyone began to panic.

"The beast!"

"He never comes to this side of the woods."

Prince Alcott grabbed his sword, and Winter and (Y/n) grabbed theirs as well.

"Gentlemen, my lady, I can think of no greater group of warrior to lead into battle..." Winter announced.

Everyone cheered at his statement.

"...but this is my fight."

Winter turned to (Y/n), who was looking at him in confusion, and grabbed her shoulders pulling her into a deep kiss. He then ran out of the hut, closing the door behind him.

"...Did he just go out...?" Half-Pint asked, pointing at the door.

"Winter!" (Y/n) exclaimed, rushing towards the door, Prince Alcott and the dwarves right on her heels.

(Y/n) pounded on the door and looked at Winter through the little window. "Winter, open this door!"

"I'm sorry (Y/n). I told you that if anything happened to you I would never forgive myself, and that there would be no point in ruling if I didn't have you with me."

"Winter, don't you dare do this alone. Open the door!" (Y/n) pleaded.

"I should have told you this sooner, but I love you. I always have."

Winter turned away from her, and started walking out into the forest, (Y/n) still shouting his name.

"Winter! Winter, get back here! I swear if that beast doesn't kill you I will!" She promised.

But it was too late. He was already gone.

"Back up, back up!" Prince Alcott ordered.

(Y/n) and the dwarves backed away from the door, and watched as Prince Alcott ran towards it and tried to break it down.

Each time he rammed into the door, the dwarves would cheer in encouragement.

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