Chapter 6: The Queen's Ball

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Nighttime came and it was time for the Queen's party. Noble people from all over came flowing through the castle doors to attend. It was a costume party, so everyone was dressed up like animals, wearing masks and decorative pieces on their heads.

Winter was amongst the crowd, dressed as a swan. His suit was all white, and he had white wings behind his back, and a hat that looked like a swan's head.

"Well, don't you look handsome." A voice teased from behind him.

Winter smiled at the teasing tone, which he knew belonged to (Y/n). He turned around, ready to tease her back, but he froze in his spot when he saw her.

She was dressed as butterfly, wearing a beautiful golden dress that fit her perfectly. It was long, slightly poofy and had jewels and glitter all around it. Attached to her back were two golden wings that glimmered in the light, and on her head was a head piece where two antennas poked out of her hair which was done up. She also had light golden makeup around her eyes, topped off with little rhinestones that were glued to her temples.

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: You can imagine yourself as another animal if you want.)

Winter stood there, his mouth slightly open, and his eyes wide and filled with awe. He thought it would be impossible for someone to look good when they had to be dressed as an animal, but somehow (Y/n) managed to pull it off.

(Y/n) noticed his silent staring, and started to become slightly self conscious. "What? Do I really look that ridiculous." She half-joked.

Winter shook his head to rid himself of the shock, when she misunderstood the look on his face.

"No, no, no. I just...I wasn't expecting you to look so...amazing." He said.

(Y/n) raised her brows at his comment.

"I-I mean...of course I expected that you would look amazing...I-I just...this just exceeded any expectation that I had...I mean it! You're perfect—I mean, you're outfit is perfect!" He stuttered, struggling to form a whole sentence.

(Y/n) giggled lightly at his fumbling, and seeing her laugh made him break out into a grin as well.

Winter took a deep breath and composed himself, straightening up, and bowing slightly, holding out his hand. "My lady."

"You know I'm not an actual lady, right. I'm still a maid." She lightly joked as she took his hand, trying to diffuse the nervousness she was feeling.

"Don't be ridiculous. Whether you're a princess or a castle maid, you'll always be my lady." He insisted, kissing her hand. When he looked back up, he stared into her eyes again. "(Y/n), I...I've always wanted to tell you—."

"Her Majesty, the Queen!" Brighton suddenly announced, interrupting Winter.

Everyone turned towards the throne, where the Queen stood. She was dressed as a peacock, wearing a red dress with white feathers attached behind her, and peacock feathers decorated around the bodice and sleeves of her dress.

Everyone bowed to her as Brighton announced the next important member.

"Introducing, the Prince of Valencia!"

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