Chapter 13: True Love's Kiss

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The wedding was being held on the giant frozen lake by the palace. A large wall of banners was set up around the wedding area, and two guards stood at the gate. Caterers we're skating along the ice carrying trays of food, and the guests were all wearing big, colorful and loft outfits along with overly colorful hair and make-up.

The guests were so busy talking and eating and drinking, none of them noticed Chuckles and Half-Pint slipping underneath some of the women's giant poofy dresses.


In a large tent, Butch was wearing a fake mustache, and sitting on Grub's shoulders. The two of them were wearing a large blue over coat to cover both of them up.

Grub poked his head out from the coat and grabbed a pastry from a nearby tray.


Chuckles and Half-Pint slipped out from the dresses and each threw a snowball at the two guards, distracting them long enough for Wolf and Napoleon to knock them unconscious.

Winter tapped his sword on Grimm's helmet to get everyone's attention. All the guests turned to see Winter standing confidently in the middle of the lake, with Grimm, Chuckles, Napoleon, Wolf and Half-Pint standing around him.

"This is a stick-up." Winter announced.

"Give us your money." Half-Pint demanded.

"And your clothes." Napoleon added.

"No!" Prince Alcott exclaimed from the crowd.

"Did he say clothes?" A guest asked.

"You cannot do this to me again!" Prince Alcott shouted.

From behind him, Butcher hit the Prince in the head with a goblet, knocking him out.

"What's going on here?" A voice asked.

Winter and the other dwarves turned towards the entrance and saw (Y/n) standing there, looking extremely confused about what was going on.

She was wearing a very colorful and poofy gown, and her hair was down up, and heavy amounts of make-up were on her face.

"(Y/n)?" Winter asked, furrowing his brows at her. She didn't look like herself at all.

(Y/n) looked at him and narrowed her eyes. "Yes?"

"What are you doing here? How could you just leave us?" He asked, gesturing to himself and the dwarves.

She looked at him weirdly. "I think you have me confused with someone else. I don't know who you are."

Winter's face fell. His chest started to feel heavy, and he felt like someone had knocked the wind out of him.

"What do you mean?" He whispered.

"I mean I've never seen you before in my life. I'm getting the guards." She announced defensively.

She picked up her dress and started to make a run for the exit.

"Get her!" Butcher exclaimed.

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