Chapter 11: Puppet Strings

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(Y/n) rushed into the Palace kitchens, wearing her maid uniform, and began doing her chores. She picked up a plate of dirty dishes and turned to start walking towards the sinks to clean them, when she paused and saw everyone in the kitchens staring at her.

Baker Margret stepped forward, looking like she had seen a ghost. "(Y/n)?! How is this possible? We were told you were dead!" She exclaimed.

(Y/n)'s widened. "Oh, no! I went out for a walk after the Queen's ball and was kidnapped by bandits in the forest. I suppose when I didn't come back, everyone must have assumed I was dead. But I managed to escape, and come back. I'm so sorry to have worried you Margret." She suddenly gasped. "Oh, I have to tell the Queen that I'm alright!"

(Y/n) put the dirty dishes into the sinks and went to rush out of the room.

"Wait, (Y/n)! Wasn't Winter with you?" Margret called after her.

(Y/n) paused in the doorway and turned to look at Margret with a confused expression.



(Y/n) rushed down the halls of the Palace, trying to find where the Queen was. She rounded a corner and bumped into a firm chest.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I—."

"You!" Prince Alcott exclaimed.

"You!" (Y/n) yelled back.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were off leading your gang of giant dwarves." The Prince snapped sarcastically.

"No, no, no. Please, let me explain. Those bandits kidnapped me and forced me to work for them. I'm sorry I let them do that to you, but I was afraid. But I managed to escape." She explained. "Now if you'll excuse me, I must speak to the Queen."

(Y/n) went to rush by him but Prince Alcott grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "Wait, wait. What were you going to ask me at the ball?"


"The ball? You said you needed to ask me something?" The Prince reminded her.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened in recognition. "Oh, yes! I was wondering...if you would consider marrying the Queen."

The Prince's brows shot up in surprise. "What?"

"I know it's a lot to ask, but the Queen is beautiful, and kind, and intelligent. She'd be a wonderful wife to you. And...I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but our kingdom is broke. We need an alliance through marriage, or else me and all the other staff will be without work, and the village people will die. Please?"

The Prince became deeply confused. One minute (Y/n) was telling him that the Queen was terrorizing the people, and now she was asking him to marry her. And the last time he saw her was with the dwarves, not looking like a prisoner at all, and now she was back at the palace as a maid saying they had kidnapped her?

Something wasn't right here, and he was determined to figure out what. All signs pointed to the Queen. The Prince knew that the only way to get information on her was to get closer to her. Unfortunately, the Prince knew that the only way to get information on her was to get closer to her. Which meant...

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