5 { official welcoming}

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(2/2 | longer chapter still pretty short|

Venus' point of view -(how I wish this was actually requested lol) -


Her name is Sailor. The one person that got Toby out of his shell, her name is Sailor.

Toby and I have wanted to have a threesome for as long as I can remember, but every time we'd done so, something went wrong.

The last time was 6 Months ago, and ever since then Toby hasn't done a scene in a crowded hallway with me, not wanting anyone to watch but not being able to keep our affection for each other under wraps.

'I want Her' he whispered in my ear after we caught her watching us, after we had watch her look back into the now empty hallway we had previously occupied.

When I had tilted my head back moments before, I saw her curly brown hair peaking from the corner as her curious eyes watched us.

I told Toby we had a visitor and he was too lost in what I hope was pleasure, to even realize what I had said.

I smile at the brunette girl sitting across from us.

I wanted her so badly.

We needed her so badly.

I could already tell this will be different. Become something more. She was the only one who helped Toby get out.

Some would feel jealous at the fact that a stranger was able to get their partner out of the headspace they'd been in for months, but me? I couldn't help but be grateful for the cute little voyeur sitting across from us.

"How I wish we could jump Toby's bones right at this very second, we can't" I said

"But why not." She practically whines while pouting at me, looking at Toby whose head is still in my neck, before looking at me. As if She were silent asking me to change my mind and rules.

Fucking Adorable.

Adorably fuckable.

"Well you my friend, have to sign your contact with the school as well as your limit contract" I let Her know, trying to hide my smile as I spoke

"Limit contract?" She responded, sounding puzzled.

"When I said early that the school is made to be like a second home, I thought I explained briefly but I guess it was probably more on the vague side" I laugh slightly

"I'm sure there are things you don't do at your house that you wouldn't at a second home" I tried my best to simply explain it

"Well that includes peeing on the floor but look where we are now" She said, pursing her lips.

"Speaking of bodily fluids, does everyone just not take shits? Or do you all just shit on the floor since there's no bathrooms?" She says with a look of concern on Her face, while I look back at Her in question.

No bathrooms? There are bathrooms here just on the other wing of campus, what is She taking abo-


"You had professor Clarke first didn't you" Toby said just as it clicked in my head

"Yea, but not seeing what that has to do with no bathrooms other than the fact He uses students as His" She said mumbling a little bit

Toby laughed behind me His head tilted back as I go to look at Him, His Adam's apple bobbing up and down as He does so.

Turning back to let Toby continue His laughter I catch Sailor watching Toby's dick as it's still hard, moving around with Toby's body movements

I reached My hand down and grasp Him as His hips buck up and His laughter turns into a surprised grunt.

Sailor looks up at me, breathing faster as if She had just been caught stealing.

It couldn't be further from the truth though, Toby loves the attention and I love seeing my Toby enjoy himself.

Soon to be our Toby, if everything goes to the plan me and Toby made in less than thirty seconds.

"Can I watch one last time before I go to the office?" Sailor asks shyly as She tilts her head down and plays with her fingers once again

"But no touching yourself this time" I said smirking at the girl across from me.

"Did that make you uncomfortable, Oh God I'm such an idiot, I- I should go in so so sorry" She says rambling, uncrossing her legs and getting ready to stand up

"No, No" Toby said whining behind me to get Her attention before I could even open my mouth

"I- WE don't want you to leave" Toby said rushing his words out as she stops in her tracks Looking back up at us.

"You don't make us uncomfortable, quite the opposite actually. Just look at Toby, he's been hard this entire time" I said rubbing my pointer finger along Toby's slit as He hisses behind me

"Then why-" I cut Her off, "Practice for after you sign the papers." I grinned, only telling Her half of the truth. The other half being, I wanted to see if She would listen to me, Her demeanor already tells me She's submissive, but just how so? Is She a brat? I guess we'll find out soon enough.

"How about you watch for one last time before we swap places and make sure you get your Official welcoming " Toby said.

The End <3

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