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Sailor's pov

After hearing the door click shut behind Toby, I remove the grey towel from my body, before folding it over the towel bar on the wall.

Stepping into the bath that's at a perfect temperature, I set my back gently down against the wall.

The bubbles in the tub were situated perfectly covering my body, only spreading when I move a part of my body out of the water.

The whole room smells sweet, something familiar but I can't put my finger on it.

The bubbles in the tub spread as I reach over to check the scent of the bubble bath he had used to run the bath.

A smile couldn't help but make its way to my face as I read the bottle.

Peach Scented bubble bath.*

{*Small time skip*}

After I finished in the bath, I let the water drain and ran the shower, to rinse off the bubbles. While I love baths, especially bubble baths, they don't really get you clean.

A knock sounded at the door. "It's me" I heard Toby say from the opposite side.

"Hold on!" I said, grabbing the towel off the towel bar to dry my body and feet before stepping out the tub.

Looking into the mirror to quickly fix my hair in order to look presentable in front of him. Before yelling back for him to come in.

Toby comes in, his sweater now changed as well into the match top for his grey sweatpants.

I watch as he walks slowly towards me before in front of me. Moving the hair slicks onto my forehead, out of the way before placing a soft kiss to my head. My eyes fluttered shut on impact, the soft touch, gentil as if i was a delicate flower, made my skin tingle and feel like I could shatter at any minute.

He pulls back from my forehead before leaning down to whisper in my ear.

"Come with me " he says. Slowly opening my eyes to peer up at him through my lashes, I feel confused before I follow his arm to the hand he has outstretched to me.

Putting my hand in his, he gently leads me back into the closet, walking towards a vanity desk that I had not noticed before.

He pulls the chair out for me and I mutter a thank you under my breath before taking a seat, making sure to hold onto the towel so I don't accidentally flash him.

He takes a small comb with a metal end, and parts a small section of my hair before spraying some type of spray on my hair , following with a brush to untangle my hair.

He repeats this process until he's finished with my hair, when he is, he parts my hair down the middle section them into pigtails, before braiding them.

As he does so, I can't help but watch him, the look of concentration on his face, the way he bites his lip, the way his cheeks are slightly tinted with a pink as if he's flustered.

It all makes my heart feel warmth with appreciation, and my inner thighs feel slick with the way him simply doing my hair for me makes me so wet.

When he finishes with my hair, I watch as he spray alcohol on the comb and brushes he had used before wiping them down.

"Thank you" I acknowledged his kindness to him.

He hums in response before bending down, leaning on the table to look into the mirror

"Do you like it, my love?" He says tilting his head to look at me in the reflection.

"Yes, very much" I nodded in response.

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