Seven - Cast list

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It is early in the morning and the sun is only just rising and do you know how I know that? Because Gina woke me and Kourtney up by singing a Frozen song in our ears.

I hear a voice in my ear and stir in my sleep, then I hear it get slightly louder and I open my eyes to see Gina right in my face and I jump and cover my mouth trying not to scream. I push her away and give her a glare but she just smiles and laughs quietly and sneak up to Kourtney's bed. I sit up in my bed and rest my body against the wall, trying to properly wake up.

I hear Gina sing the song and then her Kourtney speaking. "Free the werewolves, it's not their fault. Blame it on the moon." I look over and see her still asleep and laugh quietly.

"Good morning, Elsa!" Gina says in her ear and Kourtney shoots awake, taking her eye mask off. They both scream and they drag me with them out of our room and to the cast list.


"Wait! You're Anna?" Kourtney asks Gina and I look at it with a big smile.

Gina has a similar smile and answers. "Yes, I am!"

I read the rest of the list while the girls have a freak out and see all the roles:

Anna - Gina

Elsa - Kourtney

Kristoff - Ricky

Hans - Jet

Sven - E.J

Olaf - Carlos

and all the rest, I feel bad that Ash is only in the ensemble but I am proud of Kourntey for getting the lead. She deserves it and I say that every year. My prayers have finally been heard. Also Jet and Hans? Bet that is because he walked out after singing.

"Wow! I didn't know your voices could even reach that register." Ricky complains and squints his eyes slightly.

Carlos then pushes forward to look at the list. "Plug your ears, I'm about to join them. I can't believe I'm playing..." He freezes and doesn't say anything so Ricky does.

"Olaf! Congrats, bro. And I'm Kristoff. That's.." I can tell Ricky has never in his life watched Frozen. I bet he doesn't even know who Sven is.

"A person. Congratulations on being an actual species, Ricky." Carlos sasses back and sighs. "What? First Lumiere and now Olaf. Am I destined to play an inanimate object for eternity?"

I walk over and grab both his shoulders and look at him. "I bet they think you're too good to be human and know you will smash an inanimate object to pieces. And please don't take that the wrong way because you kill any role you play." I tell him and he gives me a look then a small smile as to say thanks for trying.

"Make way for Belle. Make way for..." Ash says and makes her way over to the list.

I walk forward but am stopped by Carlos. "Ash I wouldn't look if I was you." I get shushed and she ignores me.

She scans down the list and lands on her name. "The ensemble? I mean, hey, the ensemble. You can't do a show without the ensemble. There are no small parts, only small actors, right? Don't count your lines, make the lines count." She tries to justify herself but fails as everyone just stares.

"All right, all right, everyone calm down. Let's just be professionals." EJ says walking over to the group.

"Whatever you say, reindeer." I tell him and whisper the last part and I hear Carlos and Kourtney laugh next to me.

"Professionally, mazel tov. Especially EJ. Personally, I will be backlogging photos of him in antlers for all future possible blackmail purposes." Ash says out loud to everyone.

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