Eleven - First Read-Through

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Chilling by the pool is always fun but when all your friends are with you it gets 10 times better.

"I think he's coming!" Ricky shouts. and everyone rushes in place. He starts the music and Carlos starts us off.

"It's out with the old and in with the new. Goodbye clouds of gray, hello skies of blue."

"And cut! It's just EJ." Ricky shouts and stops the music.

Carlos sighs and I laugh. "Wow, sorry I'm not Corbin Bleu." Carlos shakes his head in disappointment. "Hey, I don't remember Sharpay wearing chinos." EJ points to Carlos' shoes and Carlos jumps up.

"Excuse you, Flawless skin and sunlight do not mix." I high five Carlos then cross my arms.

"Hey, where's Corbin?" EJ looks at Gina weird but answers.

"Gee, I don't know. Maybe your secret late-night hiking buddy Ricky knows, huh?" EJ accuses and points at Ricky. Jealous much.

Ricky looks around then waves his arm. " You're funny and you never make things weird, EJ."

"Look, Corbin's helicopters had a maintenance issue. He'll be here any second. Are we totally sure about doing this?" I roll my eyes at his ridiculous question.

"We wanna impress Corbin Blue." Carlos starts,

"And how else does one impress a person except by performing," I join in,

"Elaborate musical numbers for them?" Carlos finishes and we high five at how cool that sounded.

Everyone shrugs and then everyone agrees.

"Places everyone! Someone hand me my sunglasses!" Carlos screams and everyone rushes in place.


Turns out the song was a waste of time because it was just Dewey. Carlos is mad because he was pushed in the pool for no reason but it gave us entertainment so it is a win for me. And everyone is now pumped for the day.

Everyone is practicing and warming up while I walk with EJ.

"Okay. He really is coming this time. Everyone, act like you're taking this serious and warming up." EJ tells everyone as we walk past them.

"Bro use your eyes it's what they are doing. turn it down." I say and take the folder of him and flick through it.

"She's right. Take it down to a three. You're at a seven out of ten." Val buts in. I like Val but I hate how she rates everything it gets annoying.

EJ takes the folder from me then Corbin walks through with a big camera behind him.

"Corbin's on the clock. It's go time." Corbin announces as he walks over to me and EJ.

EJ has a big smile and I'm trying to contain myself. "Mr Bleu, sir. We have a killer first read-through plan for today."

Corbin then walks of so EJ just talks agian. "Okay, yeah you make the rounds, good." Corbin walks past everyone and stops at Kourntey.

"Dope outfit." He points at her and I can tell she is controlling herself.

"Kourtney." He points at her and walks away. She then turns to Ash and they freak out.

I walk over to her and give her a hug then compose myself.

"Keep warming up gang. We're going to check some sound levels." They walk of and test the sound I guess?

Gina came over to EJ and started to talk and when it got serious me and Gadget walked away. We head over to the back of the stage to look at a few things. I'm going to guess it is about the letter EJ was sent by dad. He isn't impressed by the gap year and sent a letter to EJ saying he is going to a school named after him. Humble. I know.

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