Twenty One - Prom

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So before I went back to the cabin last night I may have taken a slight change in my path and went to do my phone call that I won and added Jet's number to my phone and called Miss Jenn for some more advise. She said to listen to my heart and if he doesn't asks me to prom then show him what he's missing.

All of us are in the cabin stressing about what to wear to the prom tonight. It is a very stressful atmosphere and I hate it. Ash has curlers in her hair, Mads is at the mirror, Gina and Kourt are putting each other's makeup on and I am looking through some clothes to figure out what to wear.

"Okay, I am very hyped for this dance tonight but someone needs to explain to me why we're doing a vintage theme for a camp prom." Ash asks out loud.

"Oh it's because it is a tradition. I can't remember the last time EJ described a normal looking prom." I laugh and go back to the clothes.

Kourt then speaks up without looking away from Gina. "Look, any camp tradition that doesn't involve climbing a wall is good by me. Thanks again Sky for taking the hit."

We all laugh and the room lightens slightly. "And I'm gonna miss having all this time with you guys." Gina complains and I jump down and walk over to them. "Okay, sisterhood vibes all night, okay?" We all nod in agreement.

"It's gonna be a night of many vibes." Ash says in a weird voice then nudges me. I nudge her back and laugh. "Hey, G, are you good going solo to the dance tonight?" Ash asks cautiously.

Gina scoffs and looks around. "I'm not going solo. I have my girls. Honestly it's fine. It's a Shallow Lake tradition, so..."

"That's right, it is." Mads says while standing up.

I stop in my spot and look at them like a deer in headlights. "Wait it is? Are boys not allowed to ask girls to be their date?" I ask clueless. Everyone looks at me confused.

"Yea did you really not know that? Did Rocket Man never say that to you, and did you even pay attention last year?" Mads asked shocked and with a smile.

I glare at her playfully and sigh. "No he didn't and no I didn't because I have never bothered with feelings like that." They laugh at me.

"Everyone goes stag." Gina adds. She stands up and grabs Ashlyn's hands. "honestly Ash, I think your cousin's gonna spend the night without me as his date, realize he's kind of been ignoring me for a week and a half and I don't know." They laugh and Gina continues. "He promised he'd save the last dance for me so..." At least you got a promise...

"Oh very nice." Ash says back and Gina smiles giddy.

"The night's gonna end with a bang."

I then turn around and smirk at Mads. "In one way or another it always does."

Suddenly the door opens and Jet knocks on our lockers. "Excuse me." He says quietly and we all freak out at his outfit.

"Oh, my..." Ash says and we all scream. I look him up and down and he honestly suits the look and dare I say he looks even more attractive. My cheeks start to blush as he looks at me with a smile and Ash and Kourt start to shake me, screaming even louder in my ears.

"Um, Maddie, can we talk? Alone?" He asks her and they kick us all out.

We huddle by the side of the building trying to listen to what they are saying but hear nothing. "Okay, should we be spying on them?" Kourt asks in a whisper.

"No, we should not." Gina says but me and Ash snap at them.

"Keep it down," Ash says

"We're trying to spy on them." I then finish and we lean back again to listen.

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