Thirty - Cast list

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Once I got home I ran to my room and instantly called Jet. It rang twice then he picked it up.

"Hey!" He says throw the phone.

"Hey!" I say back and lay on my stomach with my phone to my ear.

"How was your day?" He asks and I sigh.

"Kaos but in a good way and honestly I wish you were there to see it. We had to switch from our stage to the rehearsal room one by one just to audition for the show and not get fired from the film. I'm kind of worried that we might not have enough people for the roles though..." I say and Jet chuckles at my anxiety.

"Everything will work out just fine in the end I promise. You have to send me the open times for the show though so I can come and watch it. I wanna see my girl shine on stage." He says with confidence and I blush.

"I don't even know what role I have yet but I really hope I get Taylor. It will just mean I have to partner up with another guy." I say and bite my lip nervously.

"Well who ever you get, you will do great as and any guy will be lucky to dance and act next to you I sure know that you can be an amazing girlfriend so you already have that in the bag." I blush even harder and look down.

"Oh by the way can you tell Mads to text me back because she hasn't talked to me all week and I had to get Emmy to search her location just to double check she is home. Oh and tell her that if she is going to text Ash then don't do it near me because I won't hesitate to snatch the phone and pretend to be her just to talk." I say and Jet laughs through the phone.

"I will... and Emmy seriously scares me." I laugh at him and sit up straight.

"I love her,"


Getting the emergency cast list text was a rush of excitement as me and Ash race to Gina's house.

"Okay, Gina's attic is incredible!" Ash says as we both spin in circles taking in her whole room.

"Emmy, this cast list is to remain sealed until all are present." Carlos explains to her as she hold the envelope

She smiles at him and says, "Got it. I'm gonna go stand guard."

"I didn't realise how much we needed a freshman." Carlos says and we both agree with him. He then walks away. "I can't believe we're about to announce the cast list and Seb won't be on it." We all sit down in seats as we listen to Carlos. "He's still mad at me, but I didn't cheat on him. I mean Emmy heard he's threatening to going back to being home-schooled. He's taking this way to far."

I look at him and groan. "He better not without saying goodbye otherwise I'm tracking him down and dragging him back!" I say to them and Carlos nods.

"Okay, to be fair, you taught him to take things too far." Ash reminds him and I nod.

"Thank you.." He whispers then Ash's phone goes off.

We both look at her and I sigh, "Okay, you and Maddox have literally been texting nonstop. Is there anything you want to tell us?" Carlos insinuates.

"I know right and Mads hasn't texted me since I got back to school." I complain and sink in my seat next to him.

"Actually, this text is from Big Red. My boyfriend if you recall." She says to us both.

We look at each other knowingly and turn back to her. "Oh. Mmm-hmm." We both say and I turn back to Carlos.

"I bet they get together by the end of the musical." I say and hold my hand out to him.

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