Nine - Campfire Spokes

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Walking with all my camping stuff to the spot we are setting up at is always the worst part. The whole time everyone has a smile on but I'm constantly moaning. Gadget turns around with her bag in hand and smiles at me and I just give her a fake smile then readjust my stuff for the 5th time today.

Once we make it I don't hesitate to chuck my bags of me and stand next to Kourtney and Carlos. We both look at each other and sigh, glad to have stopped.

"Now, everybody, sometimes there are snakes. Most of them are not poisonous." Gadget alerts everyone with a smile.

Kourtney picks her stuff up and panics ."Most of them?"

"Yes." Gadget replies.

Kourtney freaks out and starts to walk off. "I can't. I can't. I'm sorry." Everyone is trying to get her back and Gadget calls after her.

I help everyone set up their tents and once everyone is situated I place my stuff outside my tent with Gadgets stuff. I am so glad that I get to share a tent with her again but I feel bad for leaving Kourtney.


Later on in the night, EJ tells me he is going to be working on the script so I inform Gadget and she drags me back over to him.

"Hey, you're still gonna do the traditional song tonight, right?" Gadget asks once we are next to him.

"I was kinda hoping you guys would take it. I just have a lot of homework for the show..." EJ explains then complains.

I sigh and roll my eyes. "No, come on bro. I told you I would help if you have too much to do. And I am not about to sing twice in one night."

"And when I sing country songs I sound like a frog." Gadget reasons. And she isn't wrong. But she isn't right.

EJ sighs then turns in his seat to look at us. "Okay, listen. I'll do the scary song. You do the scary story. Then Sky can sing what ever song you are singing to calm everyone down."

"Oh, don't get it twisted. I was always gonna do the scary story." Gadget laughs then I smile at them.

"Besides I don't even know what song to sing yet so I might have to dip out." Both of them sigh and start to moan and look at me.

EJ grabs my arm and starts to shake me. "You. Are. Singing. A. Song." He then lets go of my arm and I shake my head to sort my hair out. "And for the song why don't you sing a Disney song as we are doing another Disney musical?"

"Yea or just do the song you always sing over the phone to me. Oh what is it called again?..." Gadget pretends to think but I know she knows. She is just trying to get me to say it so I sing it.

For some reason ever since I sang that song to her she is obsessed with me singing it and says I sound amazing and should be a professional singer but I always doubt her.

"Runaway by Aurora. It is one of my favourite songs but I don't know. It is either that or I sing You Can't Stop The Girl by Bebe Rexha which is more of a Disney song." I sigh and look at them and they have a silent debate.

EJ then looks at me with a smirk and I know he is going to say something dumb. "Why don't you get Jet to choose. He seemed pretty interested in you earlier."

I roll my eyes and see Gadget stiffen in her place. She crosses her arms and looks at me. She opens her mouth to say something but closes it again. "Yeah by the way, what did he want from you earlier? He doesn't even know you."

My face heats up and I'm glad that it is dark so they can't see. I really don't know what is happening to me. Maybe I am starting to like him? No I can't like him. He is my best friend's brother. I look at EJ then back to Gadget and sigh. "I don't really know all he said he wanted to get to know me more. He didn't give me a reason why he just said 'is it a crime?' then continued to say how he wants to get to know me. I am just as confused as you are."

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