Chapter 16: Darkfire and Romans. (Incineration.)

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Percy POV:

I immediately jump into action, as I do.

I rush into the horde of monsters without a weapon, ready for a fight. It's been a little bit too long.

I know, I know, I fought like yesterday. But can you really blame me? I'm addicted.

I wade through the monsters, crushing and tearing out organs, laughing hysterically. A path of gold dust follows me, and I make it to the Romans.

"REYNA!" I shout out to them, my voice obliterating the monsters near them.

She turns to me in surprise.

"Who are you?"

I teleport in front of her and shake my head.

"It doesn't matter right now. Just call me Hope. I have to teleport all of you to Camp Half-Blood."

She shakes her head furiously.

"NO! We Romans will defend our home, even if we die!"

I point towards an approaching monster, and it explodes.

"Listen to me right now, Reyna," I say as I realize I switch personalities. Hm.

"I am going to teleport you and the legion to Camp, I am going to obliterate these monsters, and then... I'll see from there."

She looks me up and down.

"How are you going to kill all these monsters?"

"Ask those at Camp," I say happily as I snap and teleport them away. I turn towards the rest of the monsters.

"Say hello to my brother Tartarus for me!" I say cheerfully as I snap. Their eyes widen, and they poof into gold dust.

The three monsters are the only ones left, and now I can recognize them. At least, two of them.

"Polybotes and Enceladus. Who's your friend?" I ask.

The two giants look surprised before answering with a smile and a cruel laugh.

"This is Perses, the Titan of Destruction. He has finally been released from Tartarus and is here to destroy."

I look at him and laugh.

"YOU'RE the Titan of destruction?"

He growls and grips his scepter. It looks strange, almost like a big two-pronged fork with a glowing ball inside.

"You dare speak to me in that tone? The themselves gods fear me, even more than they fear Typhon!"

I smile and take out my trident, the familiar burn on my back of my tattoo sliding off, a welcome present, then spin the trident around.

"Lucky for me, I'm not a god. How about a one-on-one, you and me? I can't wait to take your title."

He laughs. "And who are you to challenge me?"

I twirl my trident.

"I am Hope. Once a demigod, now a Primordial. The favorite sibling of Nyx and Gaea. The close friend and brother of Aether. Friend of the Dragon God, the final Gorgon snake, and the final Scriet Blob. Destroyer of Billions, the man with a star in his cloak. Friend of the Red Cabin Man, and achiever of many things."

He eyes me up and down. "Very well. Let us battle."

The two Giants smile as if they know the outcome of this fight.

He twirls his scepter and asks,

"Any rules?"

"I was about to ask you the same."

Percy Jackson, the embodiment of hope.Where stories live. Discover now