Chapter 66: Dreams, Olympian meetings, and hints. (MicHael's baCk!)

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Percy entered his room quietly. He kept the light off and walked to the side of his bed. He sat down and summoned his trident, letting it lay in his lap.

He ran his fingers over it's design. He had used it for a long, long time, and he had gotten used to calling it his, even referring to it as a symbol of power at times. Which was a lie, of course. But he couldn't quite shake the recent feeling of unease it gave him. Erebus's weapon, his symbol of power... was now Percy's? And was being used against it's old master by it's new?

No, of course not. That's not how they worked. Symbols of power were inextricably linked to their gods. For Erebus, it was a part of him. For Percy, it was just a powerful weapon that liked him. Percy flipped the trident and stated at the spike on the bottom. He hadn't quite had time yet to examine it, so he figured now was better than never. Nyx had given it to him. The question was, why?

And a better question: Why was it that ever since the spike had been attached, the weapon had been getting brighter and more... yellow-ish.

Percy, unfortunately for him, had no answers. So with a sigh, he turned the trident back into a tattoo. As he moved to lay down, a figure moved in the corner. His third eye flicked to it and saw nothing.

He turned his head and looked, seeing a see-through version of himself, who was pointing and maniacally laughing. He blinked, and it disappeared. Confused and somewhat worried, he fell asleep.

He opened his eyes and looked around. He was in the Olympian elevator, heading up to the 600th floor

"What am I-"

His eyes fell upon the second person in the elevator, and he realized what was happening. He was dreaming. Triton stood next to him in the elevator, nervously adjusting the tie on the suit he was wearing.

"You can do this," he said to himself. "C'mon, you idiot."

The elevator dinged, and he walked into the streets of Olympus with nervous breaths. Percy walked alongside him, looking around the city. Not much had changed. Vendors were still selling items in the streets, minor gods and goddesses were still milling around the place, but underneath it all, he could see how nervous they were.

Triton walked through the streets quietly, trying to avoid the confused glances and stares he was getting. As he got closer and closer to the throne room, he became noticeably more fidgety.

As Triton pushed the doors open, Percy's mind began to wander, not noticing how Athena's head instantly snapped to the new arrival. Demigod dreams were supposed to be important. He wasn't quite sure if he counted as a demigod anymore, but then why would the fates give him a dream?

"- how many times you see misfortune, we are not fighting with the demigods!" Zeus rumbled.

Percy snapped back into focus at the words. What was happening?

"Father, please," Apollo said. "I wouldn't have called this meeting if it wasn't important. I was doing something, you know!"

Aphrodite snickered. "Like that boyfriend of yours?"

Apollo's face began to redden. "I wasn't- we- I was on a date!"

"In the Demigod camp," Hera said. "Surrounded by them. I'm starting to think you're biased."

"They are our children!" Apollo said. "A fight is coming soon, and if we don't help, people will die!"

"People die in wars all the time," Zeus said offhandedly. "We must abide by the ancient laws and stay out of the conflict."

"Brother, with all due - actually, scratch that," Poseidon said. "With very little respect, we are fighting against multiple primordials, all of whom are very much awake. I feel that the ancient laws should be ignored."

Percy Jackson, the embodiment of hope.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora