Chapter 60: The Facility. (Bonding over archery)

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"Percy, come on!" Artemis said, crossing her arms.

They had walked away from camp so Percy could practice his archery in peace, because if the rest of the hunters were anywhere close, they would be able to smell the terrible bow skills.

He adjusted his stance. "I'm trying, ok? I've always sucked at this."

He let the arrow fly, and it hit the ground directly under the target. Percy sighed and let his arms drop. He turned to Artemis, who was looking at him, disappointed.

"You have to learn how to use the bow," she said. "You are part of the Hunt now."

"The only time I've ever hit a shot with a bow was when Hera answered a prayer," Percy said. "It is literally my worst weapon. I'm pretty sure I'm cursed."

Artemis rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Just... get back into position."

With a shrug, Percy entered stance again, stringing the arrow back. He aimed, and then...

"Stop and hold that position," Artemis said.

She walked forward and started correcting his position with her hands.

"Hand goes up, chin down, don't lean back, and for Zeus's sake, don't angle your foot like th -"

"Hey Arty?" Percy asked.

Artemis immediately froze, slowly looking up in Percy's eyes, a glare on her face.

"What did I tell you about that nickname?" She asked threateningly.

Percy gulped. "Not to use it, else you would add to the rabbit population. It's just... you're really close."

Artemis backed away from him, realizing that she had been too close, suspiciously so.

A light blush adorned her features. "Right, my bad. Uhm... fire the shot."

Percy looked back at the target and fired. The arrow flew closer and closer and closer and... whiffed.

"WHAT?" Artemis cried. "That was- that was perfect! How did -"

Percy shrugged. "Guess I need more practice."

Artemis stomped to him and grabbed the bow. "Not today. If you're actually cursed, like it seems you are, I don't want you using my bow."

Percy stared at the bow with wide eyes. "That's YOUR bow?"

"Of course it- uh," Artemis said, realizing her mistake.

Percy grinned. "You let me, a man, of all people, use your godly symbol to practice with?"

"It- I- Don't read into it!" Artemis said, beginning to blush again.

"Is the man-hater starting to actually like me?" Percy teased.

Artemis huffed. "I told you when you joined I didn't have problems with you, why is this so funny to you?"

Percy chuckled. "Who knows. It just is."

Artemis lightly punched him on the shoulder. "Besides, even if I did want you to continue training, it's almost dinner."

Percy smiled as they began to walk back towards camp. "Can't wait for my cooking?"

Artemis smiled. "As a matter of fact, no, I cannot."

That night, Artemis lay in her bed, staring at the roof of the tent. These feelings... she wasn't supposed to have them. She had always rejected the premise, but now that she had it upon her, she... she wanted to welcome it.

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