Chapter 7

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Aditya ( POV )

" Arav ..beta ( son ) whats wrong with you ? Why are you crying ? " I am wide awake. Its three in the morning and Arav is constantly crying. I have no other option. I have to call her...but if I call than gungun would wake up. Let me just knock.

" lets go boy. " I told him and carried him to the door where I never imagined myself to be standing and knocking for help but here I am doing it. I knocked and few minutes later she opened the door. She is in a bunny night dress. Gungun's choice for sure , her hairs are in mess but still she is looking pretty...what was that ?

" Why is he crying ? " she asked and before I could answer Arav went to her. " Aww my boy why are you crying ? Missed mummy ? You hungry ? Lets have some yummy time. " she said in childish voice rubbing his tummy and he laughed.

" why was he crying ? " I asked her. " oh its my fault...he had his dinner quite early today and had nothing after that. So I guess he is just hungry. "she said that like she is doing that for ages. 

" Get in ....please hold him ,I have to make his milk for him. " she said trying to give Arav back to me and he not at all in a mood to get back to me. " I dont think he will enjoy coming back to me. " I told her . she nodded like she know exactly what to do. She stuffed a little yellow giraffe in my hand and Arav came back to me.  

" Let's go in the kitchen...I will make something for him. Miss snow is sleeping next door...she can take care if gungun suddenly wakes up . " told Karishma. And together we came in kitchen . I sat on a chair and watched her as she tied her long hair in a bun and skillfully started making  milk for Arav. She is pro at it now. Looks like she is doing it for ages now.

It has been a month that we are married , no physical connection , no verbal connection and yet its surprising how much I depend on her for my kids now.

She took Arav in her lap and slowly fed him talking with him from time to time. Saying lots of lovely words and giving him ocassional kisses.

" Does he always wake up at night ? " I asked her , its better to have a chat than drink silence with a beautiful company. " well sometimes if he has a dirty diaper , sometimes if he just doesn't feel like sleeping or  some times for food...  Some nights he wouldn't  wake up at all. " she told them in details , must be hard work for her. 

After making Arav drink milk she made him burp and than cradled him back to sleep. Arav slept in Karishma's arms just like that. I must say Arav looks good in her arms. I still remember the stubborn girl who wanted nothing but marry me and make her ex jealous so that he would want her back.

And look at her now being a responsible mother, taking care of my mother and not talking about her ex boyfriend. But sometimes I wonder who is stupid enough to break up with her? Should I try to find out ?

She kissed his forehead and said " Good night " to me and took Arav with her. Well good night .

Karishma ( POV )

" I want mummy....." Gungun would just repeat that and hold on to me not letting go at all. She beautiful hazel brown eyes are full of tears. She wants me to go with her to drop her in her play school.

Aditi and Akash tried to bribe her but no help she wouldn't leave me neck. And trust me its so hard to see her cry like that . " I will take her people go. " I told Aditya and he nodded. " Lets go guys " he said to others and left with them.

I wiped Gungun's eyes , gave her a kiss on her cheek I quickly got ready and  took Arav and carried him . I took car from the parking lot ...thank god their was a driver or I wouldn't have known where her play school was.

Gungun became very happy as I accompanied her . she kept showing me things on the road and play with Arav. We reached near a big building , it has cartoons and park vibe. Many parents are their with their parents....mostly with their mummies. Okay that's the reason she wanted to bring me here.

I walked with her towards her classroom. A woman standing by the door welcoming children inside. I took gungun to her. She smiled and said
" Hi ! Good morning ...I see gungun has brought her elder sister with her. " said that woman.

" Thats my mummy. " said Gungun hugging my leg. "oh ! I am so sorry please pardon me. " she said to me looking embarrassed. " No no thats fine. " I ensured her , it was easy for her to think I am their sister....must say the original owner has taken good care of her skin.

" My name is Ember snow and I am currently in charge. " she said sweetly. " My name is Karishma sharma...its a pleasure to meet you. " I told her and we exchanged some pleasantries .

" soon we will have a baking competition its ' mother and child baking competition ' hope you would participate with gungun. " asked the teacher. But I am really not that good at baking what should I do ? I was going to make an excuse but gungun said " yes mummy can make lovely cake...she will participate. " said gungun excitedly. " Good let me write your name. " she her teacher and wrote our name.

And that's it...their is no turning back now. It is decided that I will be baking . I talked with her for sometimes and than she went inside with gungun. The program is in six days...I should start learning. Wish me luck.

Transmigated as mother of four , Book 2Where stories live. Discover now