Chapter 56

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After playing with kids for some time I sat down with the diary which I found in the store room. It looks like a child has written it.

" Kismis..." Samrat's voice stopped me from reading the diary. I looked up and saw him already with his bags. Where is he going?

" You going somewhere? Is it your physical checkup date already? " I asked him , I want them all to be true cause I fear reality is not what I think.

" No kismis, I am going home. " he said , I left the diary in the table and walked up to him. " Going home ? Why ? You have not healed yet...okay let me call mom ..she will arrange everything. " I told and wanted to grab my phone.

But he holded my hand and pulled me back . " Kismis , I am going home , my home. For my health I was here but I am well now. And kismis I have duties...I can't be here for long. " he said and exactly that's something I feared the most.

" Sam , just few can't even walk properly. Who will care for you their ...Sahara say something. " I told her but she was standing still.

" Kismis, I am just going home not out of your life. I will come to visit you soon. " he said but I don't know why I am scared.

" Aditya is not home , atleast let him get home. " I told him , atleast that will buy me sometime to convince him to stay.

" That I can't....I convince you but not him. He will not listen to me...he will not let me go. But I have to go. Don't stop me...." he told me , I am his bestfriend and Aditya can stop him better than me.

" Samrat why you want to go ? " I asked him. " Cause I have work to do kismis....and I am not leaving you. Trust me that didn't happened and will never happen. " he said and their I don't have anything to stop him.

" Do call me regularly and don't stop visiting me okay. " I told him and he nodded. I gave him a hug.

" I am going to drive him home. " Sahara told me. I nodded and let them go.

As I stood near the door the car disappeared in the distant. He may not have grown up with me , but coming here I got him as my best friend.

After his arrival I never stayed away from him for long. Aditya is not going to enjoy what happened today. In few days he has become good friend of samrat.

And samrat left without letting him know, Aditya will not be happy about it. And the kids , they will miss him too much.

Sahara ( POV )

I don't know why he decided to leave the house but he is doing it and their is no stopping him now. So I offered him to give him a ride and he agreed.

" Samrat, see I don't want to interfere in your life but are you sure that you can live alone " I asked him once again.

" Of course I can have given your precious time to me and I am really thankful for that. But I can't stop you from working for long right. You have your own work. " he said that.

" I was doing my work only samrat. You don't have to thank me for that. We will miss your jokes. " I told him the truth.

" Of course you will I am a funny
guy. " he said and we are back to Mr arrogant. " Aditya is going to miss you. ....he might not like you leaving his house like that. " I reminded him again.

" Biwi nahi Hain bhu Mera ( he is not my wife ) " he said and I love this particular joke so much. " Although harkate uski waise hi hain. ( Although he acts like that ) " said samrat and I had to laugh at that.

" you have become best friend with Aditya? " I really want want to know that. " He isn't my best friend... Karishma is my bestfriend. " he made that very clear.

" Yes she is...than how Aditya turned out to be your friend? " I really want to know the story. " I wanted to kill him . " he said and I hit the brakes so hard that we were about to hit the front glass...but he saved my head with his hand.

" Careful..." he said turning my face to see if I am hurt. " Are you hurt ? You okay? " he asked and I nodded.

" You did what ? " I asked him . " Well's a huge history. I had a misunderstanding about his past and thought he was at the fault but he wasn't. We solved that and became friends.. remember that file...yes it's all related. " he said and I gave him the confused look.

" I will tell you ...but promise on me , you will not tell anyone. " he said holding my hand near his heart . How can I say no to that. " I promise " I told him. After that what he told me schoked me.

Everything sounds like a plot of a drama. " But it's solved now , it wasn't his fault. " Said samrat. Well , I am glad things turned out to be fine. I started the car again.

Soon we entered a huge mansion , it's much bigger than Aditya's house. It looks luxurious, never knew he has such a big house. With every step my hopes are dying. Why would a rich lawyer like a low paid doctor like.

" You look didn't think that I may have a big house? " he asked me . " No it's just your house is beautiful. " I told him.

" It is but it's a house , cold and dark house...not a home. " he said and got out of the car. Two servants came running and took his stuff from the car.

" Sahara...on a serious note. I want to ask , how much I owe you . I know Adi has hired you but I know it can be awkward to take money from your best I can pay you. " he said with a straight face

And I don't know whether to laugh or cry...after all we have been through, he has finally ended what was so special for me with money. It was all a doctor and patient relationship for him.

" Don't worry , you don't have to pay me samrat. " I told him , I have to leave first or I might cry in front of him.

" You did so much hard work , why wouldn't you take your payment? You deserve it. " he said and I am speechless, did our relationship meant nothing to him.

" Samrat where were you? I was waiting for you for a long time. " Came a female voice, and as we looked towards the source of the voice I saw a beautiful girl.

She is beautiful looking girl , she walked towards samrat and hugged him like she knows him. " Sorry for being late. I was just talking with my go in and I will join you. " he said and the girl went inside.

" So , Sahara don't be shy ...tell me how much is it ? " he asked, my eyes are already burning but I didn't let him see my tears.

" I did it for my bestfriend samrat , you don't have to pay me. " I told him. He smiled and said " Really you're such a good friend..I wish you all the best. " he and gave me a last hug and went inside.

His another servant was following him so I stopped him and asked who that woman was. " She is sir's friendvisesha( EnchantedSpirit8 ) ...
she is basically like madam of the house. " he said and left. I don't know how to process it.

Everything was just a dream which ended here. So I sat inside my car and left his house. It hurts to know the person you loved never loved you back. But I have to accept the truth...will I never get true love ?

Author Interview:

Author : I have two best couple for your favourite couple
A. Aditya and Karishma
B. Aditya and samrat.

Samrat: Really ?

Author: Yes , I am thrilled.

Samrat: Really?

Author: Now you will see how they vote's going to be fun.

Samrat: well let's see.

Transmigated as mother of four , Book 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant