Chapter 14

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Karishma (POV )

I changed into something comfortable. Then walked in the kitchen. I was fortunate enough to be able to stay in a foster house with a lovely mother I   for thinking of it she must have felt really sad when she found out that I am dead.

Well the point of remembering the past is..whenever I used to be sad or depressed she used to make my favourite food and serve it with her own hands.

And used to sit beside me without speaking. No words were needed and she successfully used to show her love for me. The hot food used to make my cold heart warm. I still remember those cute moments. So I decided to cook something tasty for Aditi. Snow has told me what she likes to eat...its not going to be hard.

I made her favourite pasta and went in her room. She has already changed and now sitting on bed with her crayons drawing a picture. She is really good at her drawings.

I went in and placed the pasta plate on her bed. She peeked at it and started drawing again. She drew a woman nicely dressed dancing with a toddler who barely got the steps right. Her drawing is not that professional but I got the message. Its her mother and her when she was a young girl.

"So beautiful drawing....your mother looks really pretty. " I complimented her work. " She was more beautiful in person. " she whispered without looking up. " I am sure she I brought some pasta for you. " I told her pushing the plate towards her. " I am not hungry " she replied but eyes are betraying her. She would peek at the pasta lovingly but than vow not to eat it.

" But I made them just for you....moreover you had your breakfast so early in the morning...aren't you hungry ? " I asked her. This time she looked up and said " If this is about todays morning...and you want to show that I am wrong and youre a good mother than let..." Before she could finish I interrupted her mid sentence.

" Mother......but I was here to be your friend. " I told her and her expression says she is surprised . " You said that you dont need a mother.....but I do need a friend here. Akash and gungun are too small , and arav is a child. I am so lonely here....I thought I would make pasta for you and make you my friend. " I told her and her face says she wasn't expecting that . she didn't say anything just took the plate and started eating the pasta. And by her expression I understood she loved it.

" Aditi their is a rack near your bookshelf ...why is it empty ? " I showed her the empty shelf. She looked at it and told "Mother made it so that when we grow up we can put our prizes their was her dream to see the shelf full with prizes. " said Aditi and its first time that she spoke so much with me.

" Really Don't you think you should do something to fulfill her dream ? " I asked her. She said " She is not here to see than why bother ?" Her words ...girls are so close to their mother , I can understand her pain.

" Aditi , its true that people who come to stay with day they go back to heaven. But that doesn't mean they don't care about us. They watch over us from heaven and bless and protect us . " I told her ( hope my mom could still recognize me and bless me ) . She looks more interested in the talk now.

"  You said your mother loved you a lot right . Now tell me when she see you  from heaven and  see you all sad and depressed will she be happy about it  ? "   I asked her and she nodded  her head in disapproval. Than said " Mom always wanted me to be happy. She used to call me her sunshine since I was so bright and cherry. "

" And now seeing her sunshine hide behind clouds will she like it ? " I asked her and she said nothing. " Your the eldest in the family dear..your young brother and sisters will learn from you. If you don't lead a happy and good life what they will learn from you." She listened each words carefully.

" Thats what I wanted to say...and about the friendship offer its still open for you. Just tell me when your ready. " I told her and left her in her room to think more about it. Now I have to wait for her . I came in my room , Akash , gungun has returned and are now playing in bed with their uniform still on. My little monkeys are back.

2 Hours later

Finally they slept. I had to change their cloths , give them bath which is a struggle trust me . Feed them and finally they're sleeping. Snow took Arav for a walk . Its best to text my sister and fix another date to meet. So I whatsapp her :

Myself : Sister , sorry I couldnt meet with you today.

Elder sister :Its okay I understand.

Myself : How about we meet at mothers house this Sunday ?

Elder sister : Sounds like a plan.....lets meet up. The problem you were talking everything okay now ?

Myself : Yes , yes sister dont worry its fine.

Elder sister : Glad to know that...oh sister I am going to cook...see you later.

Myself : See you.

Even I should start preparing dinner ...I cant cook but I have to at least tell them what they have to cook for dinner. As I was going to get up. Aditi came inside my room. She stood in front of me with a little heart necklace in her hand and told " will you be my friend ? " she asked in her cute voice. " I will " I said and took the necklace from her and wore it on my neck.

" Now what should I do to make my mom proud about me ?" She asked me. I took the paper her principle mam gave me and asked her" I think its perfect place to start. What do you think ? "

" yes , my mother loved to dance and if I participate in the program and win...she will be happy. Will you help me win ? " she asked sweetly. I told
" Of course I will....lets start our work from now. " I told and she nodded .
"What should I call you ?" asked Aditi. " Call me friend." I told her and she smiled....hope I can win her trust soon.

Transmigated as mother of four , Book 2Where stories live. Discover now