Chapter 48

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Karishma ( POV )

Sahara and I arrived at the restaurant on time. We took a private room since my roshni di is famous and it's not easy to meet with her outside.

Sahara looks a little distracted but I didn't mind her. I want to solve all the family problems so that I can marry Aditya for real. And call me all mine.

" Sorry I am late. " A bell type sweet voice ranged in my ear. As I looked up I saw my sister standing. She is wearing a casual dress , big googles to hide her face.

" It's okay's not that late. Have a sit. " I told her and she sat down. Here in this private room she sat comfortably.

" Kajju... you're looking so cute
today. " said roshni di , and that's not how she usually addresses me ...she just came up with it.

" Samrat calls me kismis, Akash used to call me bunny, Gungun once used to call me a butterfly, Aditya calls me kajju... can't you all find a nice nickname? " I asked her , I am still very annoyed.

Sometimes I feel like a sweet shop and sometimes like a zoo. Roshni Di laughed and said "  That's funny...but Aditya calls you mishti....nice. " she said and cheeks are burning.

" Let's order something. " I told her to try to change the subject. " You're so cute. " She said and then she ordered food for us.

" Roshni Di we are here to know about the family mystery. Why are Mr and Mrs Sharma not together? Do you know anything about it? " Sahara asked her.

" Well , I have tried to dig more information about it. But it's so tightly secured , it's really hard to know anything about that family. " Said roshni di with an expression which says she is so done with everything.

" A question which is stuck in my mind and I really want to ask you Mr Sharma involved with you know....some illegal stuff ? " I asked Roshni Di.

"'s just Sharma house has some unspokable secrets something which no one but the elders to find them out we have to make plans. " Said Roshni Di with a grave look on her face

" I have given interview in swapna Industries....if I remain close to father in law... maybe I can know something from him. " I suggested which sounded like a good idea to both of them.

" When Zen's mother left the house Aditya was just ten and zen was eight years old. She has raised Aditya all alone...never stopped Mr Sharma from meeting with Aditya but she herself never visited zen. " Said roshni di and her voice says she is upset for her husband.

Which is understandable, but how a mother can just abond her child just like that ? . Those kids whom I am raising are not mine still I can't imagine a day where I will not want to meet with them.

" We can't judge aunty , Uncle may have stopped her from meeting with zen. Aditya is the eldest son of the house... uncle must have given condition that if you want to visit Zen you have to return forever with Aditya..." Said Sahara which makes sense but I don't think that's exactly what happened.

" No , nothing like that happened. But she never visited zen, not on his birthdays or any Award functions....she just abonded him like that. " Said Roshni Di with a sad voice and I think that's really sad for him.

" Has zen ever talked about his mother with you ? Ever mentioned about her ? " I asked her out of curiosity. I really want to know... the previous soul liked zen but she never tried to understand him.

Now that I think about ...that girl was just behind looks. She never understood how broken and hurt zen was. He saw his parents and getting scared of relationship after that can be normal.

Transmigated as mother of four , Book 2Where stories live. Discover now