Chapter 46

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Karishma ( POV )

I strechted my arms early in the morning with my eyes closed only to find the bed to me is empty. Where is Arav ? I woke up with panick ....only to be pulled back by two arms.

" Arav is in his crib ....relax " said a lazy voice in my ear. As I turned I saw Aditya lying next to me. He is back ...but when ?

" Good morning. " he wished me morning, his eyes are still sleepy and he is looking amazing. " Morning, when did you get back ? " I asked him relaxing in his's really comfortable here.

" A few minutes were sleeping so didn't wake you up. " he said pulling me tightly in his embrace.
" Where were you last night ? " I asked him, I am little curious.

" I said I had a meeting last night...why ? Are you suspicious about my activities? " he asked in a playful manner. " Should I be ? " I asked him in return.

" No ...but hypothetically speaking What if I do something wrong ? What will you do ? " he asked and I know he is just teasing me. So I decided to go along with it.

" I will take my kids and leave you forever. " I just said those words and his grip tighten around me. " No , don't say such words. You promised that you will never leave me. " His voice is little shaky... maybe I went little far.

" I was just joking...." I tried to comfort him but he wasn't having it. " I don't like when you joke about such matters. You scared me. " he said in a whisper, which sounded so adorable that I couldn't help but gave him a kiss.

Which is surprising for both of us. Cause I never kissed him voluntarily. Atleast not when he is I don't know what to say or do. His eyes  were in me , he doesn't look disgusted or I guess it was fine.

" Since that's the compensation I am letting it go...but don't you dare say those words again. " he said and I am back in his embrace. Which reminded me , yesterday I bought a gift for him , which I kept in the bedside drawer.

" Adi , I have something for you. " I told him , I have to streach a little to reach the drawer , which was on his side. I pulled the drawer and took the box out.

He looked confused. " Few days ago I told you don't look married right. " I told and he nodded. I opened the box took out a ring which I bought for him. Took his hand and placed it in his ring finger.

" Now if anyone asks can show the ring and say ' I am married and belong only to my wife ' ..." I told and sat up in the bed. He kept staring at his ring.

" I know it's not that costly but ..." before I could finish he pulled me in his arms and I ended up sitting in his lap.

" You know what giving ring means right love ? Are you trying to propose me? " he asked as his face is still hidden in my neck. I could feel his tears on my neck and shoulder.

" I am just keeping my handsome husband away from other girls. Letting them know that you're all mine. " I never said those words to him it's a little strange even for me to say such words to him.

He laughed a little and then asked
" you want me to be all yours ? " . A simple sentence but the way he said it made me blush so hard but I still nodded.

" When things will be little better in our families...lets get married again mishti . This time with every ritual...what do you say ? " he asked me. Since I wasn't the one he married first...I loved the idea.

" Yes .  ...let's do it. " I told him. We sat like that for few minutes. " Okay , I need to sleep a little, had to drive two hours to be with you early in the morning. " he said and we both lied down in our bed.

Aditya didn't let me out of his embrace. " By the way why did you put Arav in his crib ? " I asked him.

" He had his I want your full attention. " he said and I know I have five kids now. I patted his shoulder...such a big child I have.

Sahara ( POV )

" Here is your breakfast and here have your tea. " I told samrat . He made a face looking at his tasteless food. Spicies are not allowed for him.

" Really they taste so bad Sahara I don't like it at all. " he said making face like a child.

" You know spicy food is not allowed for you right. Now listen carefully you have to stay alone for sometime today. I will arrange your lunch and medicines before I go. So it shouldn't be a problem. " I informed him. Karishma and I have decided to meet her elder sister to talk about their family mystery.

" Where are you going?" asked samrat. " I have a date. " I don't know why I lied to him but it felt good to lie to him.

" Date ? As in where a boy and a girl meets to talk about their future ? " he asked like he never heard the term date. " Why did you think I was talking about khajur ( Date fruit in
Bengali) ? " I asked him and he laughed.

" Well , who is that khajur ? ... sorry I mean date of yours ? What is his profession? ... little details please. " he asked looking curious. " What will you do with his details? " I asked him.

" Nothing...just have my agents know little about him . For your safety you know. Can't believe anyone this
days. " he said trying to show his concern for him.

" Don't worry it's going to be alright... you don't have to worry about me. " I told him .

" But you will leave me alone? What if I need serious help ? What if something goes wrong ? " he asked trying to look pity.

" You will be alright. " I told him . But he didn't looked convinced. But I don't want to clear the confusion...let him think I am dating someone else. It's going to be awesome.

Transmigated as mother of four , Book 2Where stories live. Discover now