Chapter 60

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Sahara ( POV )

That person turned towards me and I couldn't believe my eyes. " You ...".

" Tum ... should have sounded much more dramatic...' you ' didn't have that the way..Hi ! Did you miss me ? " he asked with that annoying smile.

I don't know what came over me I just went and gave him a tight hug. I really missed him. I never knew someone could be that important in your life. I now know what titli meant whenever she talked about love.

" I didn't knew you missed me that much sweetheart.." said samrat in his goofy tone and well the moment has passed. I unwillingly distanced myself from him. Can't let him see how much I missed him.

" I have better things to do in life the way...two months samrat...where Were you? " I asked him. He walked across the room and grabbed a coffee like he lives here.

" Self exploration...I wanted to know something ...wanted to fix something inside me. And now I am back ..." he said and something in his voice says he means it.

" Your wife is really worried about you. " I told him as he started making coffee for himself. " Aditya? " he asked over his shoulder, still staring at his black coffee.

" You agreed that Aditya is your
wife ? " I teased him. I like teasing him. " I mean you will never refer to yourself as my wife... Kismis is my best friend... leaving Aditya. And he actually did some digging about my whereabouts so..." he said and well I knew about that.

" So what's your plan now ? " I asked him. " I am going to rest for a few days then start my work . Will help you share the information about
titli. " he said , well I do need legal help for this one.

I didn't share the news with Aditya cause at first I wasn't sure about it and now I don't know... should I share it with Aditya?

" Oh by the it fine if I stay here with you? " he asked. Well I think I have healed enough and I can handle it. Truth, well I am scared he will disappear in thin air if I let him go so ...he stays.

" Sure why not .... Aditya will be so happy..." before I could proceed he stopped me mid sentence. " you're not going to tell anyone that I am here in your house. It's going to be our secret okay..." he warned me before slurping his  coffee.

" Why not? Karishma and Aditya are really worried for you...." I tried to convince him but he has made up his mind and we can't do anything about it.

" Well , let me know when you're ready... should I make anything for you? " I asked him out of habit. He was going to answer but a soft sound pulled our attention.

The little baby goat woke up and walked in the kitchen wanting attention. " Sultan..." Said samrat and took the baby in his lap.

" Wait sultan? " I asked looking all surprised . " You named your goat sultan? " I asked him. " Cause it my sultan..." he said while giving sultan some pets...well he is samrat afterall.

" I will not tell Karishma and Aditya about you but once they find out that you're will get a good scolding from both of them. " I told him. I should cook something for him .

He suddenly pulled me towards him. He is sitting at the counter , and the sultan is sitting next to him. My palm is on his chest , I can feel his heartbeats.

His forehead is resting on my forehead, I could feel his warm breath , it's so nice to be so close to heartbeats are increasing.

" I don't know if you will believe it or not but I missed you a lot. " he said and I could feel a knot in my stomach. My emotions are all over the place.

" I don't usually say these things, I am very private about my emotions. I make jokes so that no one makes jokes about my feelings...but here with you I feel safe , I feel at home ..." he said and I couldn't stop my tears.

I hugged him , his grip is really tight. I might not confess it soon but in his embrace I know I have found all my answers....I am finally happy.

Karishma ( POV)

" But sir it's a nice story... people will feel it. " I told my senior but he didn't agree with me.

" In the era of romantic stories what kind of boring stories are you suggesting? " he said barely looking at the script.

" But sir it's an emotional story , people will read it. " I told him but he didn't listen because his favourite intern has suggested a rom com and he now wants to publish that only.

And I know since she is someone from his connection he wants her to get the job. But that's not going to happen.

" Mr Das....I think this..." before I could finish zen entered the office. It's the first time we met like this's weird. His expression remained cold that a family heredity?

" Sir , I have finished all the files..." Said Mr Das and handed zen is file. Zen took the file and asked " so what's going on here ? "

" Sir , our new intern is fighting to get a book published which I know will have no sale in the market ..some newbies sir. " he said trying to be funny.

" Mr Das edit the files. While I hear what she has to say...Miss followed me. " he said and left the room.

" Now this story will never get published cause everyone knows how much zen sir hates stories with mother's character...and your lead is a mother. " he said with confidence.

" What if I succeed? " I asked him . " Well then no more tasks .. direct job. " he said and well that's what I want.

I made him write the bet down. And now I have to explain and convince it to the man whom the original owner tried to date and to the child who never received the mother's love....wish me luck.

Author's Note

Author: welcome back.

Samrat: It's nice to be back.

Author: Your friends and fans were waiting for you.

Samrat: sorry for making you wait.

Author: Any message for them?

Samrat: I missed you all , love to all my samstars. And if you have any questions or messages for me then do let me know.

Samrat: I personally have some questions for you...can I ask ?

Author: Go ahead.

Samrat: 1. Have you ever made a bf or gf just for cheating in an exam?

2. Which profession do you think will suit me more?

3. If we could meet in a historical or fantasy story which story you would want to meet with me?

Samrat: Lastly ' I sam you ' all my samstars...I sam you a you sam me ?

Author: sam you ?

Samrat: It will be our new love for you, for samstars it will be ' I sam
you ' .

Author: well...readers you know what to answer his questions and I will see you soon. Good night and sam you all. Bye.

Transmigated as mother of four , Book 2Where stories live. Discover now