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You stood there outside in the rain, your blood ran down your legs. Hair soaked. You decided to take off your diy bandage and let your blood flow. You thought "it should be clotted by now..".

You heard Simon kiss his teeth, and shuffle from behind you. You looked at your makeshift bandage, completely red now. You dropped them. Looking back at Simon. Him looking up at the clouded sky.

"I should've shot.." he whispered
"But you didn't.." you quickly responded, walking towards him. He looks down at you, his eyeblack now smearing off but rain? Tears.. his eyes were bloodshot. You both took a moment in silence together.

"I don't know what you did.. but I'd rather get the ugly end than them to have you again.." you added
"I didn't want this to happen.." he gestured to your torso, his voice hurt and angered
"This was my fault, I fell asleep when I should've been alert..NOT your fault."
Simon just looked away and back at you, his eyes grew sorrowful. Low and puppy like. He stood tall and strong but his eyes said it all.
"I know this happened to you to.." you patted his chest "we're even.. but I stand by what I said.. no one touches my man. Not while I'm still breathing" you started to walk back into the building, just as you seen him nod in agreement. You smiled to yourself, as finally you have the upper hand. Continuing into the building, him following behind. "König on sniper?" You channeled to price. "On his way" price replied. "Heading to roof top now". The building seemed bigger than it was, there was a helipad on the roof but no helicopter. You didn't hear one escape anyways, there was no need to worry if one did or not. Yet alone if there was one there in the first place.

"Where tf is Graves.." you stopped midway up the steps. You turned to Simon. "Is there a body of water near?" You asked, he stood there not sure or even thinking about his response. You start to head back the stairs, channeling to Price again. "Any lakes, oceans, or streams near?" You asked sternly. Walking back out the building, könig channels in "I see water.. boats? No..." Simon quickly catches up, seeing a path humanly made into the forest line. You run down it.

"We've got missiles.." könig exclames

"Shit.." you huffed running faster

Seeing the end but a corner furthering the road, you decided to cut through the forest. Simon followed. Arriving at the location, you see missiles ready for launch. You try to disarm them, when Graves himself walks up holding the button to launch.

"I'd advice not to do that.." he cockily said with a smirk
"I've been looking for you.. I found your toys instead.." you said stepping slowly to him
"Stop, or I'll push it." He said stepping back
"Where are they going?" You asked calmly
He stood quiet. Just smiled.
"WHERE !" You shouted

Simon didn't follow you all the way, he stood hidden in the tree lines.

"Did your team abandon you?" He mocked
Noticing Simon didn't follow you out.
"No.." you lowly said
"Ohhh I don't see them.. or Ghost.." you added
"Don't you dare.." you snarled stepping closer
"Aht aht.." Graves held the detonator closer
"Where is it going, graves?" You asked again
"Your safe house.. and a few other places.."

There were only three missiles.

"Where." You demanded
"Why can't you ask nicely?.." he said provocatively
It disgusted you. König needs to take him out now.. something needs to happen, he needs to drop it.

"You want me?!" Simon shouted walking out with his hands up. 
"What the fuck!" You mumbled "no.."
"Here I am!" Simon adds

Graves then waved his hand, a few cartel members came out of hiding and tied Simon up leaving him on his knees.

"Now I have your asset. I'll get a pretty penny for this one.." graves smiled as he held the detonator up initiating on pressing it when a single gunshot echoed. And slump hit the floor. Gun shots followed by the cartel members, you jumped behind the missiles, for coverage. Surprised they didn't go off, you looked around the corner when the guns stopped. Seeing Graves dead on the floor, Simon being carried away into a truck. You channeled to price. "They got him.. I can't get to him, there's more than I can take!"

"My truck is in the front, get it before they leave the compound, we're coming" price says
You bolt from the coverage, back into the forest. Simon seeing you just before the doors close on him. Running as fast as you could, retracing steps and hurdling. Seeing the other waiting at the truck, you hop in driver seat. And take off, slamming the gas.

"Found an extra pair of pants for ya" soap smiles
"Gee thanks, my ass was getting cold" you replied sarcastically
"I'm glad you still have your humor, ya know.."

"For sure.." pulling up at the escape vehicle, crashing it in the fender, knocking it off. The Task force pulled their guns out and started shooting.

"HES IN THERE!" You shouted

You stepped on the gas more, catching up with the vehicle some more. Knocking it again and again, the truck then loses control and crashes.

Stopping the car and getting out, taking the nearest gun you found in the truck. The cartel members struggle get out when you caught them. Shooting them in the head. Emptying the clip on them both.

Catching a glimpse of Simon in the back. You climb in and check on him.

"Ya didn't get shot did ya?" You softly said
"No.." he grunted as you helped him up.

"Let's get out of here.." you untied him

Simon"Ghost"RileyXReader 🍋Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora