Safe house / Base

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Arriving at the safe house, there was a helicopter ready for departure. Price woke Simon up, then he woke you up. You look around, it was the safe house, thinking about the base. You asked price.

"And the base?"

"We're heading there now.. it's still in shambles but it's manageable" he said calmly

You nodded, helping gathering the rest of the equipment and hear for the helicopter. You stumbled across your gear, you looked around before getting undressed and putting on your gear. Replacing your bandages, and strapping in.

"This isn't over yet.." you thought "there's more to it"

Finally suiting up, you walked out and helping with the rest of equipment.

"Haven't seen you in that in a while, Fox" soap said
You took a second to reply, feeling the clothe on your skin. "Yeah. .." you replied "feels good to be back."
"That's good. I'm glad your back..." he smiled warmly and walked off to price.

You stood there, as now reality set in. Your back finally. Back in your uniform. You couldn't remember your life beyond the Task Force 141. Simon would know how it feels.. right? You have the most common things with.

You snapped out of it when you headed the helicopter engine start up. You jog out, catching Simon before he heads on. Sitting next to him. He looks at you in awe. His smile shows beyond his mask. You smile back. You slip in.

After some time, your bottom start to hurt when price announces on the head coms, that we're heading down to base. You look over out the window, before Gaz opens the door and lets a strong gust of wind in. The original base was mangled. A hole busted through the back, and debris everywhere. This angered you. But the reason for this was Graves. But he's dead. Now your anger was targeted for someone else.

"Shadow company is no more" you thought.

"Simon bumped you in accident when the helicopter took a sharp turn to land. He looked over to you softly, you looked at him shocked. Him noticing he placed a hand on your thigh. You placed your hand in his. He squeezed yours. You did it back to him. The helicopter landed and you helped unload into the armory. The place you was always found.

After settling in. You roamed off from the group and walked around base. Looking at details you saw perfect, now searched and unrecognized.

You caressed the doorway of the cafe, now it's broken, and bullets through it. You walk further, just down the hall, your room. You walk closer, memories fill your mind of Simon and yourself.
Walking into your room, still open. It still smells like it's yours. Seeing the burnt out candle. Looking around, the remote was still where it was. Dust collected the top of the Tv. It was still running. The shower was as dry as ever, simons hygiene stuff along with yours; hasn't been moved. The bed as it was when you left. The imprint of Simons body was still there.

You stood there mesmerized. You cried. The energy the room had now absorbed into you. Thou it wasn't your feelings.

"Simon?" You spoke weakly

Hearing walking through the hall, you walked with meaning to it, seeing him walk through. Mask still in, but he's eyes spike a million words.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, his arms ready to catch you
"You haven't been taking care of yourself.." you spoke as you cried
Simon sharped exhaled, as if you knew.
"There's dust everywhere.. I know you haven't.. why?" You cried more
"I couldn't.. " he replied , he quickly came in and pulled you in for a hug. "I couldn't do anything with out you, my love"
"That isn't healthy..." you sobbed, you pulled away pounding on his chest. He grabbed you and let it happen.
"My love.." you inhaled sharply, and held his breath as you pounded. "BABY!" He shouted
You stopped and now gripped into him, still crying. "Why?" You chocked and hiccuped
"Oh honey.. I'll do it now.. please I'll do it.." he whimpers
"Go.. now.." you says softly

He pulls away from you, carefully backing away fury it into the apartment. Watching him, undress and dropping every bit of fear he has on. He picked up the bits of hygiene stuff into the shower with him.

"See? I'm showering. It's okay" he says softly

You stood there still crying, stuffy nosed and hand to your chest. "Okay.." you mumbled

"Come join me please " he said with a hand extended to you .. you hesitated.. it's been a while since you did. You didn't know what would come off you. You struggled to say anything.. staring at his hand then to his eyes.. you did.

You gently took off your vest, the your shirt. Staring into simons eyes, still his arms are extended. He stars deeply into yours. You cry more, as it hurts to move. The bathroom started to get warm and comfortable. You undressed more, dropping your pants/Panties and a dead man's boots. You climbed into the shower with him, into his arms. Into the warm stream, Simon watching the water turned red and dark.

"Who's blood is that?" He asked softly
"Anyone's at this point" you replied

He didn't reply but hugged your tighter. You wrapped your arms around him, feeling in his back. Feeling a familiar scar.

"Same thing?" You whispered
"Yeah.." he replied
"Why?" You asked "I know it isn't for me"
"My family" he said "I gave myself up to kill them"
You rubbed the scars, "I finished them off for you" you added
"Yeah.." he rubbed your matching wounds. "You did great" he kissed the top of your head
"You think so?" You chuckled, the leaving cussing your to cough. Recovering fast. "I'll do anything for you.. ya know?"
"I believe it" he replied
"This isn't done ya know.." you added "I'm going for him..."
"I know.. don't die on me.." he says

Reminded you of the time he said it before. You smile.

"I won't"

Simon"Ghost"RileyXReader 🍋Where stories live. Discover now