Red Dot Sale Fiasco

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A/N: The air isn't mine! It belongs to boog_how from Tumblr! Even if it's meant to be Fire!Wade, for the sake of the story, let's imagine it's Male!Ember! And if u wanna imagine yourself as the Water!Ember, then be my guest! Enjoy the SECOND CHAPTER!!

Note: From the first chapter, the key is the same! Also.. I still have an hour & 32 minutes of this movie left.. Ohyes...Please comment, I love hearing your peeps' opinions, and if u want, pls vote since it helps a lot!

~~♡♡~~ The Next Day ~~♡♡~~

<Narrators POV>

The very next day, early in the morning, Flame was starting to post little circular red stickers on multiple products. After he was finished, Flame headed towards the door and took a deep breath.

"Take a breath..." Flame took another deep breath, fixing a pin that said 'RED DOT SALE', "Calm as a Candle... " Flame smiled softly.

Flame pulled up the drape covering the window to see so many fire elements standing outside waiting for the shop to open. They all clamored, waiting.

Flame smirked and opened the door, " Morning, welcome to The Fireplace!!" He gestured inside, seeing many people enter.

As elements started to come in, the stress slowly got to Flame. Could he do this? He can do this, right? He's got this... right?

He took one more breath and got ready to start this busy day.

As the shop started to fill up, so did Flame's stress and anger. He tried to stay calm, but everyone needed him for something. He couldn't take care of all of this at once. He'd usually have Ashfa there, but this was his chance. As elements crowded around the checkout counter, stress started to get to Flame.

"Deep Breaths..." Flame muttered under his breath, "Make connections..." His fire started to slowly turn purple.

Flame started to huff rapidly as he covered his mouth and ran out from the front, "Be back in five minutes!" Was the last thing he shouted before disappearing into the basement.

Once escaping into the basement, Flame let out a blood curtailing scream as his fire turned purple. As he slowly calms down his fire, everything in the basement could be seen burning. Flame pants heavily, seeming more stressed.

But everything stops when he hears a rattling sound coming from the pipes. He turns his head towards the pipes. As water starts to gush out of it, hitting Flame's eye. He gasps and grunts in pain.

More and more water comes out of the pipe as Flame hops on a box, trying to figure out what to do. Flame looks around and spots an umbrella. He picks it up and opens it, trying to make his way towards the broken pipe.

He grunts in stress, trying to close the hole in a pipe. As he finally closes the hole, he takes a deep breath, trying to think of what to do about what he's created, "Oh, no, no, no, no, no..." He breathes heavily.

He groans, "Stupid temper!! Not today!" He shoves a stick in his mouth as his fire grows over his eye where the water hit, "What is wrong with me?" He sighs as he notices a picture float up from the pool of water around him.

Suddenly, the picture starts to move as Flame's eye flows it. He seems confused and curious about what the heck is going on. When four little water spouts could be seen.

Two beings, water elements, appear from the water. One boy and one girl. Both crying over the picture.

Flame looks at them with a questionable look, "What the..?" He mutters under his breath.

The two keep crying as the guy smiles sadly, "What a happy family..." He cries still, handing the picture to the girl.

"It's so sweet... how you all are!" She cries some more, "Is that you and your dad?" She pointed to Flame, Burnie, and Cinder in the photo.

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