Save Fire Town

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A/N:Last Part!!! Let's do this!!

Thank you all for reading, voting and commenting!!

Thank you all for coming along with me on this crazy ride of a movie!!

You all are the best!! ^^


Third Person POV

Flame stares ahead determinedly as (Y/N) watches in pure fear as the water tried to rush up behind them. 

"How quick is it?" Flame asked, trying to find the fastest way to Fire Town.

"It's coming really quickly behind us, Flame..." (Y/N) gulped as she looked at Flame. 

"Hold on...I'm taking a short cut!" Flame semi-yelled as he stepped on the accelerator and drove down and long ally way. 

Flame drove as quickly as he could, eyes burning with determination. His eyes shifted to see his parents in front of the shop.

"Mom! Dad!!" He tried to call out loudly to them but they didn't hear him.

Flame gritted his teeth and tried to speed ahead of the water itself. (Y/N) held onto Flame very tightly, hoping that they'll make it in time to save everyone in Flame Town. (Y/N) looked around to see if any other Fire Element was on the streets. Flame's eyes flickered to the water and then straight ahead. He needed to make it. The motorcycle jumped and landed a few feet away from the water as both (Y/N) and Flame turned their heads to see how fast the water was catching up. Flame drove the motorcycle up and onto a sidewalk.

"Watch Out!!!" Flame yelled.

"Water Incoming!!!" (Y/N) yelled as well, telling the people standing nearby to move, "Flash Flood! Hurry!!! Climb! Climb!" (Y/N) instructed as Flame drove towards his parents.

"MOM! WATER!! MOVE TO HIGHER GROUND!" Flame yelled as it finally caught Cinder's attention.

Her eyes widened as she saw the water rushing towards the shop. Cinder looked towards her husband and rushed to him, worried.

"Bernie!" She pulled her husband as they both saw the water approaching. 

Bernie watched as (Y/N) tried to help some other Fire Elements escape the Water, helping them get to higher grounds. A child ahead wasn't paying attention as (Y/N) risked it and hopped off the bike and rushed towards the child.

"(Y/N)!" Flame yelled, worried for her.

"I'M FINE! GO SAVE YOUR PARENTS, FLAME!" (Y/N) yelled back and ran towards the child.

Flame sighed as he looked down to see his motorcycle colliding with the water, making it hard for him to be able to even drive. Flame hopped up on a nearby car that was heading towards the shop. He looked up to see his parents struggling to stay on the small stage as it drifted away. A nearby object stopped their movement. Flame let out a sigh of relief as Bernie's eyes widened, he looked towards the shop.

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