A Game And A Deal

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A/N: I don't own Elemental. It belongs to Disney & Pixar!

Welcome to the 3rd chapter! Please vote and comment since it helps a lot! Now, let's get started!


●○●○● (Y/N) POV ○●○●○

Flame and I finally caught up with Wade as I noticed that Flame let go of my hand. When we held hands, it did kind of hurt, but...it felt nice, in a not weird way. I decided not to focus on that and just focus on the mission and the game!

As we entered the Cyclone Stadium as Wade and my smiles widened brightly. We were so excited.

"Where is she?" Flame asked, pulling down his hood.

Wade and I looked around for Wade's boss as Wade spotted her, "Up there, in that sky box!" Wade smiled as his attention went directly back to the game.

Flame and I looked at how mad she looked, thunder coursing through her. We looked nervously at each other, "Okay...time to cancel some tickets!" I heard Flame muttered under his breath.

Flame stood there and stared at the water elements in his path, "Come on! This way!" I smiled and followed Wade to our seats.

Flame followed behind us, "Excuse me!" I turned to see how different Wade and Flame were.

Wade was friendly with everyone, while Flame seemed to be a nervous wreck here. It was so funny to see that when I made it past, I let out a small laugh.

"Hi Gale, how are you doing?" Wade asked with a smile.

Gale groaned, "Look at the score. What do YOU think?" She grumbled, "BLOW THE BALL NOT THE GAME!" Gale yelled towards the players.

We looked at the scoreboard to see the Windbreakers losing. What? That's impossible!

Flame let out a huff, "Yeah...so...uhh.  Gale?" Flame seemed more nervous, "My name is Flame Lumen!" Flame chuckled nervously, "My family runs a Fire Shop... Wade wrote us a BUNCH of tickets yesterday..." He was interrupted by Gale yelling at the players again.

"WHAT KIND OF CALL WAS THAT?" She groaned, "Lumen? Yeah, it's a fire shop with 30 citations.." She waved Flame off.

'30!' I shot a look at Wade, who was looking away nervously.

"Anyway..." Flame looked away from staring death daggers at Wade for the 30 citations to look at Gale, "Friend...I was hoping we could work something out?" The whistle blew.

"COME ON, REF!" Gale started to yell again, "ARE YOUR EYES IN THE BACK OF YOUR HEAD?" She groaned.

Different elements started to boo as Wade and I looked around sadly, "Yeah, Bummer...oh yeah...okay, so, the 30 citations..." Flame leaned forward with a forced smile.

Gale looked back with an angry face, "Do you mind? There's a game going on... Fireball. " She rolled her eyes and went back to the game.

Flame started to go purple a bit in his fire, "Fireball?.." He muttered before walking to Gale, "Actually,  I do mind! This is my life we're talking about!" Flame huffed.

Woah... He's amazing...Neither I nor Wade would EVER think about standing up to Gale like that. Well, unless I was begging for her not to take Wade's job away.

"Not just some... game!" Flame grumbled.

Gale scoffed, "Some game? This is the playoffs!" Gale acted sarcastic, "So, forgive me if I don't want to hear a sob story!" She started to turn purple, "..about the problems of some little SHOP!" Gale yelled.

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