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They will take me out to celebrate my first even victory in F1

I wore a mini black dress simple, with Nike AirForce and a Prada bag

"You ready?" Lewis asked me and I walked out of the bathroom

"I think we can go" I said proudly

"Look stunning" Lewis said looking at my whole body

I'm sure he pictured me naked and I just did the same for him

"Have you talked with Max?" Lewis asked

"No he isn't talking to me" I said smiling "are you ready to go?"

"Let's go peach" Lewis smiled at me

We walked to the car and drove ourselves to the club where the others are

"Lando" I gave a hug to my best friend

"My winner" Lando said hugging me

"I won before you" I said smiling

"You are a better driver and we all know that" Lando smiled at me "We bought Gin and Vodka"

"I am giving the money to whom?" I asked grabbing my phone

"Drinks are to your dad because he said that his daughter won" Lando said smiling

I have the best dad ever

Lando served me the usual: Gin with RedBull and I walked to Max

"Babe" I said smiling

"You did amazing out there" Max gave me a hug "I'm sorry for being mad at you"

"It's okay" I broke the hug "Now dance with me"

Max and I started dancing really close and I thought that some people maybe just realised that we are a couple and that scares me a bit

"You okay?" Max asked

"Yes nothing to worry about" I said smiling

I turned to Lewis that he was already looking at me, he smiled as I watched there and I smiled back

"What?" Max asked

"Nothing" I replied "I really like you"

"Can I kiss you?" Max asked and I nodded

Max kissed my lips in front of everyone

"I like you too" He answered to me


"Und das ist für Matteo" ("and that's for Matteo") I gave to my younger brother a football ball from a team calling Al Naasr and located in Saudi Arabia

"Danke" ("thank you") Matteo hugged me and he ran out of the house to play

My dad walked after him so I stayed with my mom

"Erzähl mir von Max und dir" ("Tell me about Max and you") My mom said and I blushed

"Es begann in Bahrain und jetzt sind wir zusammen" ("It started in Bahrain and now we are together") I answered

"Ihr scheint süß zusammen zu sein, um ehrlich zu sein!" ("You seem cute together, to be honest!") My mom said and we both laughed

"Christian hat kein Problem mit der Beziehung, also geht es uns gut" ("Christian has no problem with the relationship, so we're fine") I took a sip from my coffee

"Gibt es etwas zwischen Lewis und dir?" ("Is there something between Lewis and you?") she asked and I sighed

"Du benimmst dich jetzt wie Lando! Nein! Wir sind nur Freunde!" ("You're acting like Lando now! No! We are just friends!") I replied madly

"Du bist in ihn verknallt und das weiß ich!" ("You have a crush on him and I know it!") my mom smiled at me "Es ist nichts Schlimmes! Ich meine, Lewis ist ein alter, intelligenter und kluger Mann! Es ist okay, in ihn verknallt zu sein!" ("Nothing serious! I mean, Lewis is an old, intelligent and clever man! It's okay to have a crush on him!")

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