T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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They got me in Vienna for my knee surgery, my parents and Lewis were with me

The nurses came to pick me and get me into the surgery room

I don't know how long I was sleeping but I woke up and I watched Lewis besides me and I smiled

"Hey you" I said

"Good Morning peach" Lewis kissed my head "It's midnight! You couldn't wake up"

"So I need to sleep again" I said proudly

"You are such a sleepy" Lewis said laughing

"Can you come with me?" I asked going a seat away so Lewis can lay next to me

"Peach you have your knee" Lewis said pointing on my injury knee

"I want you" I said with a puppy face

"I can't believe that I'll do this" Lewis said and he lay next to me, I lay against his chest "I have a good idea"

"Tell me" I said

"Move with me!" Lewis suggested and I rolled my eyes to watch on his eyes "What?"

"You sure?" I asked giggling

"Yes! Things between us happen fast but I love you and I want you with me! And I can take care of your injury knee" Lewis stroked my knee "Do you want?"

"Yes!" I said laughing "it'll be amazing!"

"I'm glad that you agree peach" Lewis kissed my head "now you need some rest"

Next week-Monaco

Lewis will leave for the race in Hungary and I will stay alone in Monaco

"Anything else?" Lewis asked nervously "You have what you want close to you and you can walk"

"I'm fine" I said laughing "I'll just miss you"

"I'll miss you too peach" Lewis kissed my lips "So see you in two weeks"

"See you in two weeks" I said sad

Lewis petted Roscoe's head and he walked away with his suitcase in his hand

"Come here buddy" I said and Roscoe came to lay on my legs

I can't stay home any longer, I might can walk until the next week and surprise Lewis in Belgium!
I'm sure he'll love it

I took a look to the flights to Brussels that is the the closest airport to Spa, there are some flights on Wednesday there so they the best

I booked a ticket for me and also for Roscoe, he'll love to see his dad

The next thing I did was find if I can start the next academic season in University of Monaco

And yes I can!

I have the money for the payment of the university so I booked the position for me without thinking of it!

The next couple of days were horrible!

I had nothing to do and Lewis was calling me often to talk for almost an hour

The next Wednesday I get my stuff and I took an Uber to the airport, fortunately I said that I am injured so they'll take me in the airplane with a wheelchair

A polite flight attendant took me to my seat in the business class having Roscoe on my legs

I sat in my seat and I was waiting to go in Belgium


I took a taxi from the airport, I asked help for my suitcase from a worker of the airport and she helped me and gave my suitcase to the taxi driver and he placed it into his car

Lewis' hotel was in Liege and it was a bit far from Brussels

I wish I could drive in Spa as well

As we arrived in the hotel I paid the taxi driver and then the polite driver helped me with the suitcase until the receptionist where I met Toto

"Hello Michaela!" Toto said smiling and he gave me a hug "How's your leg going?"

"I'm good! Thanks!" I said smiling

"Can here to surprise Lewis?" Toto asked "Because if he knew about it he would talk about it the whole time!"

"It's a surprise!" I said laughing

Toto took the suitcase from the taxi driver and we took the elevator to Lewis' floor

Roscoe wasn't to his bag now and he was next to my legs

We arrived to Lewis' floor and Roscoe ran to the floor

"Come here buddy!" I said and he came back to me

"Here he is" Toto let down my suitcase "So you need paddock club access, paddock access and Mercedes access?"

"Yes!" I said smiling

"You'll have them tomorrow! Have fun with your boyfriend!" Toto kissed my forehead and he walked away

I knocked to Lewis' door and Roscoe let a bark like he understood that in the room was Lewis

"Oh my gosh" Lewis just said "Wow!"

"You won't give me a hug?" I said laughing

"What are you doing here peach?" Lewis gave me a big hug and then he looked at me

"Surprise!" I said proudly

"That's the best surprise I've ever had" Lewis kissed my lips gently "Walk in now! You have your knee"

Roscoe was already in, I walked in the room and Lewis took in my suitcase

"How did you come until here with the suitcase?" Lewis asked

"Easy" I sat on his bed

Roscoe ran to jump in the bed but just his two legs touched the bed

Both Lewis and I started laughing then Roscoe climbed to the bed and he came next to me

"Roscoe you are so cute" I said and I petted his head

"So how you came until here? I'm curious" Lewis asked

"The taxi driver took me until the receptionist where Toto was so he took my suitcase and bring me upstairs" I said proudly

"I'm so glad that you came" Lewis sat next to me "I love you"

"I love you too"

Think I need someone older Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang