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I am clearly so embarrassed with what happened with Lewis and today I have to face him because it's media day in Melbourne

I walked into the paddocks wearing black pants, a white Dior T-Shirt and Dior sneakers

I walked immediately to find Lando and give him a hug

"What happened babe?" Lando asked confused

"I need a hug" I sighed and then I made a step back

"Do you want to tell me what in the hell happened?" Lando asked a bit madly "I know you"

"I assume of did a mistake" I smiled at him "I kissed with Lewis"

Lando smiled

"I'm so happy for you" he gave me a hug "I just hope you and Max ended and then this happened"

"Actually we are still together with Max" I bit my lip

"No! No!" Lando said sad "Babe go and break up with him"

"I know but it's not that simple and also with Lewis it was just a mistake! We just kissed!" I defended myself

"But you really have to tell Max that you kissed his biggest rival in F1" Lando said "go and tell him now"

I smiled to my best friend, he's right, I need to tell Max, we can't have secrets

I walked to Max's garage, he wasn't there so I walked to Christian's office, he'll probably be there

The door was a bit open so I made a step closer and my curiosity made me hear what they were talking about

"And? Is it work?" Christian asked

"Yes don't worry! I'm sure that she doesn't think of Lewis anymore" Max replied

"You did amazing job with her! Bravo" Christian said proudly

"How long should I keep acting like I am dating her?" Max asked

I'll kill him

"I think she already has forgotten about Lewis but at the same time the crowd is absolutely insane with you two as a couple and we like that" Christian said

"Michaela is a good person and I don't want to hurt her that much" Max added

Fuck off

"Do what you want! I told you date her for fake and I paid you really good about it" Christian said "just don't tell her anything"

I didn't get in, I just walked out of the garages

Max is pretending all this time because Christian made him do that?

For what?

Lewis was too good with me that's why probably Christian said Max started dating me

I walked to find Lewis, he's the only person I want to watch

"Lewis" as I called his name he turned to me smiling

"Hello peach" he said

"Can I talk to you?" I begged him "it's really really important"

"Yeah sure, the interview can wait" Lewis answered "Let's walk away a bit to talk better"

We walked a bit away from the garages in front of FIA offices

"Tell me" Lewis said

"I wanted to find Max and I walked to his garage he wasn't there so I walked to Christian's office, Max was there and the door was a bit opened and I heard a conversation that Christian had with Max. Christian paid Max started dating me for fake because he watched that we were close and they said something about me thinking of you" I took a deep breath

"That's bullshits" Lewis said confused and madly "they are idiots! Why the should do something like that?"

"I don't know and I want to kill Max and Christian" I sighed in madness "can I give you a hug?"

"Come here peach" Lewis opened his arms and he gave me a big hug with his muscled arms "I am always here for you"

"Thanks" I smiled "I don't what to do now"

"I think that you really need to have a conversation with Christian and Max" I broke the hug "they have to feel embarrassed for what they did to you, you don't deserve that treatment"

"For the kiss?" I almost whispered

"I felt like I wanted to do it and I did it, I have feelings for you that's why I kissed you! It sounds crazy because I am twenty years older than you but yes! I like you Michaela" Lewis said

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