The Lucky One

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Two Weeks Later
May 18th; 2024
Taylor Swift's Point of View
I've come to love visiting Travis's family. They live a much different life than I do. It's normal and I love it. It feels like an escape for me. Travis is so cute with Jason's daughters and it always reassures me how amazing of a father he'll be. It's
Memorial Day in a couple of weeks so we're having a cookout with Travis' family. Actual Memorial Day is so close to the baby's due date so we want to be home just in case. Everyone here is so kind. I don't know how he was blessed with such a beautiful family. Tonight we're grilling hamburgers and hotdogs in the backyard but if I'm being honest I'm tempted to make a peanut butter-flavored burger somehow.
As Jason is grilling the burgers, Travis is running around, playing with Wyatt. Kylie is sitting next to me holding Bennett while Elliotte talks nonsense to her father. I'm the one who's eight months pregnant and extraordinarily uncomfortable. My huge bump is getting in the way of me doing anything. The baby is kicking excessively today and so hard that it hurts. She's decided to go directly for my rib cage. I try to calm her down, taking a deep breath. I run the palms of my hands over my abdomen and do soft circles around my rib cage.

"He's going to be a good father, right?" I look over at Kylie for reassurance.

"Do you want the truth?" Kylie asks.


"No. He's going to be atrocious at being a father. He'll somehow put onesies on backward, probably throw up when changing her diaper, forget how to swaddle, buy the wrong soap, he'll mess up everything you thought was impossible to mess up. But he'll love her so much so you know what he'll do? He'll call Jason at 2 in the morning asking why she won't stop crying. He'll go to mommy and me classes if he has to. That's the thing about him. He won't give up. He's going to be awful at it but he'll learn because he loves you and he loves the baby. So be patient with him. He'll get there one day."

"Stop! Put me down!" Wyatt screams with a laugh. Travis is holding her upside down in the air and spinning around.

"One time Travis was babysitting Wyatt and before we left she said don't worry Mom, I'll keep an eye on him."

"That sounds about right." I laugh.

"But you'll be great. You're going to be a natural."

The baby kicks again which makes me wince in pain. Kylie looks over at me as I struggle to not cry. Every kick is a painful jab. I close my eyes but am interrupted a moment later by Travis placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay? Kylie said you weren't looking too good." He asks.

I planned on saying a simple I'm fine but that's not what came out. "No. I'm so miserable. The baby is kicking to where it hurts, I'm constantly exhausted, all I want is to eat food and have sex. Plus I'm all chubby and fat from all the peanut butter I've been eating." I start to whine.

"Come here." Travis grabs my hand and helps me out of the chair. "Let's go lay down."

Walking upstairs has become a marathon for me as well. Before I was pregnant they were just stairs. Now they're the bane of my existence. I feel like I'm climbing a mountain. But Travis assists me with getting upstairs as well. By the time we're at the top, I'm still out of breath and have to take a moment to breathe. Travis and I head to the guest bedroom and I kick off my shoes before getting in. Travis gets in bed with me, making sure to snuggle up close.

"Is this any better?" He asks.

"A little. But everything is better with you next to me." I try my best to smile but my entire body aches and all I want is peanut butter.

"I have an idea."

"Is it something with sex and peanut butter because that might be possible." My mind runs with all the possibilities. Oh, imagine the things.

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